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Michael Charles Chilufya Sata (King Cobra)

Date of Birth: 6 July 1937
Place of Birth: Mpika
Died: 28 October 2014

Displaying 31-40 out of 168 results.

Narrow win stretches nerves

One of Lungu's first acts was to sack Attorney General Musa Mwenye: he is regarded as one of Banda's persecutors but he was also instrumental in stopping Lungu's unconstitutional attempt to step into the late President Michael Sata's shoes before Vice-President Guy Scott could take over (AC Vol 55 No 23 Foreign boost for opposition & Queen-maker Scott)...

PF set for victory

Once in office AC hears Lungu is ready to revisit the government's decision taken just before the death of President Michael Sata to increase mineral royalty taxes to 20% for open-cast mines and 8% for underground mines from the previous blanket 6%...

The PF picks two candidates

This has been triggered by the death of President Michael Sata on 28 October (AC Vol 55 No 22 Fights before the funeral)...

Queen-maker Scott

All previous calculations have been upset by the late President Michael Sata's widow Christine Kaseba-Sata announcing on 19 November that she will seek the Patriotic Front's nomination in the 20 January presidential election...

Foreign boost for opposition

A group of influential outsiders is struggling to galvanise the fractious opposition to beat the late Michael Sata's party in the presidential by-election due in January Africa Confidential can reveal...

Banda's team say that if he won the election in January he would only be able to serve out the rest of the late Michael Sata's term until 2016...

Fights before the funeral

Scott had moved against Lungu for violating the ban on infighting ahead of Michael Sata's funeral due on 11 November and had replaced him with the Chipili MP Davies Mwila who is close to Scott and the former PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba...

Party rivalries grow as Sata ails

Few believe that President Michael Sata would miss such a prestigious event as tomorrow's 50th anniversary of Zambia's Independence...

Power struggle

Doubts about President Michael Sata's health have heightened the power struggle in the governing Patriotic Front (AC Vol 55 No 15 No laughing matter)...

Sata sacks Kabimba

President Michael Sata's shock dismissal of Wynter Kabimba as Justice Minister and Secretary General of the governing Patriotic Front leaves the succession still unclear...

No laughing matter

The governing Patriotic Front (PF) was in barely-concealed turmoil during President Michael Sata's week-long absence in Israel for medical treatment (AC Vol 55 No 13 Sata speculation grows)...

Displaying 31-40 out of 168 results.