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Population: 24.1m
GDP: $21.66bn
Debt: 55.1% of GDP (2024)

news from Mali

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Found 177 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 177 results.

The juntas dig in as instability worsens

Burkina’s leader Captain Traoré wants five more years in power but his army is losing badly against the jihadis

The standing of Burkina Faso’s transitional leader Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who seized power in September, has hit a new low. But public opinion is the least of his woe...


    Vol 65 No 11 |
  • MALI

The junta chooses isolation after the EU withdraws its mission

Colonel Goïta will stand for election in 2027, extending the military-led transition to democracy from two years to five

Confirmation that the European Union's military mission in Mali will end at the weekend, coupled with the announcement several days later on 10 May, that the military-led transitio...


The juntas are running out of excuses

Populist rhetoric and ethnic targeting by the military regimes are deepening the region's fault-lines

The lean season in the Sahel this year is starting under the toughest economic and political conditions for generations. Mali and Burkina Faso have been baked by a record-breaking ...

    Vol 65 No 6 |
  • MALI

Book guts Goïta's junta

Colonel Alpha Yaya Sangaré went from celebrated author to prisoner in one week. On 24 February, he presented his book, Mali, le défi du terrorisme en Afrique, (Mali: ...

Tuareg-Wagner clash in Libya?

Unconfirmed reports in Tripoli claim that a group of Tuareg fighters in southwestern Libya has captured some Wagner Group soldiers there in revenge for the capture of Kidal, in nor...

    Vol 64 No 24 |
  • MALI

Junta falls out with its fanbase

The regime's split with the anti-French and pro-Russian Yerewolo – its biggest supporter – may have been provoked by links to Hizbollah

Fear of links to Iran and Hizbollah helped turn interim President Colonel Assimi Goïta's regime against its biggest domestic supporter, and to imprison its leader and harass o...

    Vol 64 No 24 |
  • MALI

Much ado about Kidal

The junta's seizure of this key northern city from the Azawad coalition could create more problems than it solves

The victory of Forces armées maliennes (FAMa) and its Russian Wagner Group allies over the Coordination des mouvements de l'Azawad (CMA) for control of Kidal on 14 November ...

    Vol 64 No 21 |
  • MALI

The north challenges Goïta on two fronts

The Sahelian juntas have signed a military alliance as jihadist and separatist groups step up their attacks

As Mali's military regime pursues its drive to reassert central government authority over the Kidal region hitherto dominated by Tuareg former separatists, conflict has spread acro...

    Vol 64 No 18 |
  • MALI

As Bamako pushes out the UN, Islamists seize new opportunities

The junta and its Wagner Group allies are reopening battles with the former separatists as they race to take over the UN's bases

After a decade of the UN's 15,000-strong peacekeeping force operating in northern Mali, the region is adapting to its sudden departure. Two threats stand out: the insurgent Islamis...

    Vol 64 No 15 |
  • MALI

Not much power to the people

State electricity utility Énergie du Mali is a crucible for political rivalries  and the sacking of its boss highlights a split  in the junta's ranks

As early as March, 'la canicule' (the heatwave) is at work, with temperatures peaking above 40 degrees Celsius until June, and with it demand for electricity for air-conditioning. ...

Displaying 1-10 out of 177 results.