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Population: 2.72m
GDP: $2.69bn
Debt: 64.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Gambia

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Found 48 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 48 results.

Sall roots out rebels

Senegal's media eagerly showed footage of soldiers walking through rebel camps which the Senegalese army overran in the first week of February. Deserted kitchens, mostly old weapon...

Pushing out the privateers

Oil majors are returning to the Senegal basin, and long-time local dealmakers like Frank Timis are gradually being eased out

BP has cemented its interest in the Senegal basin by sweeping up two disputed oil blocks off the coast of Gambia previously held by Norway-listed Africa Petroleum as a raft of incr...

Deep sea intrigue

International interest in offshore oil deposits has thrown the spotlight on Gambia's ongoing squabble with African Petroleum

African Petroleum, the Norwegian-listed oil company founded by controversial resources magnate Vasile 'Frank' Timis, has lodged three separate court cases against the Gambian gover...

No licence to drill

African Petroleum Corporation Limited, founded by Vasile 'Frank' Timis, risks losing its foothold in Gambia's growing oil and gas sector after failing to renew the exploration lice...

Jammeh's long goodbye

Jubilation at the departure of ex-President Yahya Jammeh was stained with suspicion and anger as the story spread that he had been granted immunity from prosecution and had plunder...

Jammeh feels the heat

As Yahya Jammeh shows no sign of stepping down regional leaders are determined to see him go. There is talk of military intervention

The Gambia is edging closer to high noon as the presidential handover date of 19 January looms. Yahya Jammeh has until then to step down, and there are no signs that he will comply...

Gambia at the cliff-edge

Jammeh made history twice: first by conceding defeat and then by changing his mind. Presidents are trying to talk him down

It would take a mere seven days for President Yahya Jammeh to pronounce the unthinkable and request the impossible. On 2 December, he appeared on television to tell a surprised wor...

Jammeh tilts the playing field

An increasingly isolated and paranoid President has become even more dictatorial in the lead-up to national elections

The last time Gambia went to the polls, in November 2011, the incumbent President Yahya Jammeh won 72% of the vote, crushing two below-par opposition coalitions. The Commonwealth a...

Coup plotters sentenced

A five-member court martial headed by High Court Judge Emmanuel A. Amadi, a Nigerian, on 30 March sentenced six Gambian soldiers convicted of the 31 December attempted coup. All we...

Jammeh cracks the whip

The consequences of the failed coup are proving dire for peaceful dissent as a wave of secret detentions takes place

The repercussions of December's failed coup against President Yahya Jammeh are still being felt in Gambia and in the United States. One of the most prominent democracy campaigners,...

Displaying 1-10 out of 48 results.