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South Africa

Gwede Samson Mantashe

Date of Birth: 21 June 1955
Place of Birth: Lower Cala Village, Transkei (now Eastern Cape Province)

Displaying 1-10 out of 183 results.

The markets bet on Ramaphosa's grand coalition

Ramaphosa finally prised the energy portfolio away from Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe and transferred it to frustrated Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa...

They are the ambitious and vocal Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula who backs up the president and whose job it is to promote unity among the factions and ANC chair and Mining and Petroleum Minister Gwede Mantashe who reached out to the populist MK and EFF parties in a failed bid go bring them into the GNU fold...

The centre is holding – for now

Ramaphosa will have to struggle to keep a grip on the party machinery and will need to hug Deputy President Paul Mashatile and Mines and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe who is also Chairman of the ANC extremely closely...

BHP's 'final' bid for Anglo set for election day

Minerals and energy minister Gwede Mantashe told Africa Confidential that the BHP proposal was terrible: 'BHP fired Brian Gilbertson the South African CEO of BHP Billiton six months after they had appointed him following the 2001 merger...

Advisors abandon ship amid poll storm

Ramaphosa has faced formidable opposition within the ANC from the coal lobby including from Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe who is also former General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)...

Eskom chaos is at the heart of the growth crisis

Comments from Gordhan's main rival Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe – that these resignations represent 'mice running from methane' – repeat the view of Gordhan's critics that he is largely responsible for the leadership chaos at the two most important SOEs (AC Vol 64 No 7 Now it's Ramaphosa central)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 183 results.