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Lansana Conté

Date of Birth: 30 November 1934
Place of Birth: Dubréka, French Guinea (now Guinea)
Died: 22/12/2008

Displaying 21-30 out of 154 results.

Sex, rebels and Paris trips

In February Diallo signed a political agreement with the businessman Mamadou Sylla a former protégé of the late President General Lansana Conté (AC Vol 51 No 20 Odds now on Condé)...

Rio quits Simandou

Rio acquired the project in 1997 but saw its rights to the northern half of Simandou confiscated by the Guinean government and handed in 2008 to Beny Steinmetz Group Resources (BSGR) the mining arm of the Israeli billionaire's empire following criticism from the late President Lansana Conté about the lack of activity in exploiting its estimated $50 million potential...

Condé follows regional lead

Both Savané and Kaba were members of the RPG's National Political Bureau and the latter who was a minister in the government of the late autocrat Lansana Conté remains highly influential in the crucial constituency of Kan Kan...

Condé strikes out on his own

They were particularly upset about the appointment of Abdul Karim Dioubaté as Interior Minister because he was an enemy of Condé's during the presidency of Lansana Conté from 1984 to 2008 (AC Vol 55 No 3 Condé's house clearance)...

Condé consolidates as opposition regroups

The legality or otherwise of the government's decision to strip Steinmetz of his mining rights in Simandou will continue to be contested in court as will the legality of the award which the former military-backed Lansana Conté regime made to Steinmetz...

Condé's surprising knockout

Condé appointed Ibrahima Kassory Fofana a former aide to the late President Lansana Conté as his campaign director...

A dream deferred

Cilins had urged Mamadie Conté née Touré the late President Lansana Conté's fourth wife to destroy documents that appeared to connect BSGR to bribes to Conté...

Rio's grand suit

He started bribing Guinean officials but 'soon learned' that only the late President Lansana Conté could make the necessary decisions...

Beny fights on

On 9 April the government published transcripts of telephone conversations between Mamadie Conté ex-wife of the late President Lansana Conté and Frédéric Cilins a lobbyist for BSGR...

Condé tests Steinmetz

The licences for Blocks 1 and 2 now in dispute were stripped from Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto and transferred to BSGR shortly before the death of Guinea's military leader President Lansana Conté in December 2008...

Displaying 21-30 out of 154 results.