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Abdel Fattah Khalil el Sisi

Date of Birth: 19 November 1954
Place of Birth: Cairo

Displaying 141-150 out of 170 results.

El Sisi consolidates

President Abdel Fatah Khalil el Sisi will appoint a further 27 members...

The long goodbye

While official Algeria and its friends still talk of a commitment to pluralist politics and civilian presidents some officers are impressed by the career of officer-turned-President Abdel Fatah el Sisi in Egypt...

Shoukry gets stuck in

While President Abdel Fatah el Sisi and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces handle substantial foreign affairs matters Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry is usually left with little to do but present an amiable public face to fend off rising criticism of human rights abuses...

Security leaks and party splits

However Egypt's official photograph of Omer's encounter with President Abdel Fatah Khalil el Sisi showed the pair beneath a large map depicting the disputed enclave of Halaib as belonging to Egypt...

Comrades in arms deals

However by the time his successor Field Marshal Abdel Fatah Khalil el Sisi received United States Secretary of State John Kerry on 13 October top of the agenda was US President Barack Obama's effort to build a coalition against Islamic State in Iraq and Shams/Levant (ISIS/ISIL also known as Da'ish or IS)...

Calling all investors

In an address to the annual Euromoney Egypt conference in Cairo on 16 September President Abdel Fatah el Sisi set out his stall for foreign investors highlighting his government's moves to cut the national deficit and bring in a new investment law to protect deals between government and the private sector from third-party legal challenges...

High stakes in the Sinai fight

Before the uprising and the military coup of July 2013 that brought Field Marshal Abdel Fatah Khalil el Sisi to power ABM focused on attacking Israel launching missiles there and conducting cross-border raids (AC Vol 54 No 14 The agony and the ecstasy)...


Demarche in DC

The State Department has been particularly supportive of President Abdel Fatah el Sisi's government after Muslim Brother President Mohamed Mursi was ousted and detained in July 2013 an event US Secretary of State John Kerry described as 'restoring democracy'...

More Gulf cash needed

The price increases came as no surprise as cutting energy subsidies has been one of the main topics of economic policy debate for decades and the Finance Minister Hani Kadri Dimian had announced in mid-June that he had sharply cut the allocation for these subsidies so as to comply with the instructions from President Abdel Fatah el Sisi to reduce the budget deficit for the financial year 2014/15 which started on 1 July...

The centre moves east

Since Haftar ordered the remnants of the Libyan Air Force to strike Islamist bases in the east in May attempts have been made to characterise him as the equivalent of Egypt's President Abdul Fatah Khalil el Sisi who masterminded the overthrow of President Mohamed Mursi's Muslim Brotherhood government and has since become the standard bearer for anti-Islamist politics in North Africa and beyond...

Displaying 141-150 out of 170 results.