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Côte d’Ivoire

Henri Konan Bédié

Date of Birth: 5 May 1934
Place of Birth: Dadiékro, Daoukro Department
Died: 1 August 2023

Displaying 81-90 out of 153 results.

Peace, or else

Former President Henri Konan Bédié says he will seek nomination so there is no prospect of the G7 opposition alliance uniting behind a single first round candidate...

At war with the peacekeepers

The RDR headquarters was torched and the homes of Alphonse Djédjé Mady Secretary General of Henri Konan Bédié's Parti Démocratique de la Côte d'Ivoire and Justice Minister Henriette Diabaté the RDR Secretary General were looted...

Unlikely heirs

Former President Henri Konan Bédié has emerged from internal exile in his home village of Daoukro to act as their frontman...

Parallel universe

Gbagbo's inner security circle includes Captain Paulin Gnatoa Katet at the Groupe de Sécurité du Président de la République (GSPR) a Dida; Lieutenant Colonel Philippe Mangou operations commander at Yamoussoukro close to former President Henri Konan Bédié but sidelined under late military leader Gen...

After the phoney war

The government put the death toll at 36; former President Henri Konan Bédié claimed up to 500 had been shot dead...

Another year, another plot

IB played a leading role in the December 1999 coup that toppled President Henri Konan Bédié and is assumed to have been behind the 19 September 2002 rebellion though both he and the former rebel leaders now in government deny it...

Paris plotters

A leader of the 1999 coup that toppled President Henri Konan Bédié and a key figure behind the September 2002 rebellion IB left his Burkina Faso refuge for France on 20 August after falling out with President Blaise Compaoré...

Unity's opponents

Gaston Ouassenan Koné was proposed but he proved controversial because he heads the parliamentary group of former President Henri Konan Bédié's Parti Démocratique de la Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI) which would give the former single party an extra seat...

Hard-core Gbagbo

Former President Henri Konan Bédié is in Paris and Laurent Dona Fologo has been shunted upstairs to the advisory Conseil Economique et Social where he can mourn the welcome for foreigners preached by Côte d'Ivoire's first President Félix Houphouët-Boigny without rocking the boat...

Foul play

Former President Henri Konan Bédié who wants his old job back curiously defended the 'beauty' of the original concept of Ivoirité...

Displaying 81-90 out of 153 results.