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Vice Admiral Didier Ratsiraka

Date of Birth: 4/11/1936

Displaying 31-37 out of 37 results.


Even the Interior Ministry's provisional results give President Didier Ratsiraka just over 40 per cent of the vote to 46 per cent for his rival Marc Ravalomanana (AC Vol 42 No 24)...

Rising Ravalomanana

Madagascans expect a close race in the 16 December presidential election when the main challenger to long entrenched President Didier Ratsiraka is the rank outsider media magnate and supermarket tycoon Marc Ravalomanana...

Dark prospect

President Didier Ratsiraka of Madagascar (AC Vol 42 No 11) is spending more on imported solar spectacles than the entire budget for essential medicines...

Political eclipse

Anxious to show he cares about his people's welfare President Didier Ratsiraka is worrying about the solar eclipse due in southern Africa on 21 June...

'If Didier Ratsiraka withdrew from public life Arema would run the risk of implosion wrote the weekly 'DMD' (Dans les Média Demain)...

Patasse´'s problems

Ex-President André Kolingba wants power again and is encouraged by the examples of Mathieu Kérékou in Benin Didier Ratsiraka in Madagascar and Denis Sassou-Nguesso in Congo Brazzaville...


A month after the presidential election (AC Vol 37 No 25) the victory of Didier Ratsiraka has at last been announced...

Return match

They do not like the choice between the first-round front-runners Admiral Didier Ratsiraka and Professor Albert Zafy who were rivals at the last presidential election in 1993...

Displaying 31-37 out of 37 results.