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Burkina Faso

Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

Date of Birth: 25 April 1957
Place of Birth: Ouagadougou

Displaying 41-50 out of 55 results.

Blaming Blaise

In the attack on the Cappuccino café and Splendid Hotel directly opposite the headquarters of the formerly ruling Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès that was burnt during October 2014's popular uprising 25 hostages and passers-by were killed along with all three attackers said newly elected President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré...

President on probation

President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré received a solid mandate from the electorate in November and the election received a clean bill of health (AC Vol 56 No 24 Vive la différence)...

Soro has phone trouble

There are also discussions about getting rid of Salif Diallo the former ruling party stalwart who is now a key member of President-elect Roch Marc Christian Kaboré's Mouvement du peuple pour le progrès and Chérif Moumina Sy chairman of the transitional Parliament (AC Vol 56 No 24 Vive la différence and Vol 55 No 24 Truth and reconciliation)...

The people take on the putschists

Ever since the Electoral Code was adopted the CDP has been harping on about the exclusion of its candidates and accusing the transitional government of readying the presidency for the leader of the Mouvement du peuple pour le progrès Roch Marc Christian Kaboré (AC Vol 56 No 4 Between street and barracks)...


Between street and barracks

Most prominent is the former President of the long-ruling Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès Compaoré's election-winning machine Roch Marc Christian Kaboré...

The warning from Ouagadougou

Leading members of the ruling Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès (CDP) such as former party chief and ex-Chairman of the Assemblée Nationale Roch Marc Christian Kaboré and former mayor of Ouagadougou Simon Compaoré had peeled off and formed a new party Mouvement du peuple pour le progrès (MMP)...

Tight spot for Blaise

Led by former CDP leaders Roch Marc Christian Kaboré Salif Diallo and Simon Compaoré the party is building up a strong national following...

Blaise wants compromise

Roch Marc Christian Kaboré is the President of the new Mouvement du peuple pour le progrès (MPP) with Salif Diallo and Simon Compaoré as first and second Vice-Presidents (AC Vol 55 No 2 Rising up against Compaoré)...

Rising up against Compaoré

Salif Diallo the former Agriculture Minister and a founder member of the Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès Roch Marc Christian Kaboré CDP Chairman until March 2012 and National Assembly President and Simon Compaoré (no relation) Mayor of Ouagadougou until January 2012 issued a joint statement on 4 January taking issue with Compaoré's 11 December declaration on term limits...

Soro is an old friend of both Blaise Compaoré and Roch Kaboré...

Displaying 41-50 out of 55 results.