Too close to call in Kitui In Kitui County which is Kamba country and Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka’s ethnic stronghold an intriguing battle for the senatorial seat is playing out...
The unknown factor in this race is Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka’s Kamba ethnic group comprising 19% of the vote and the biggest ethnic bloc after the Kikuyu...
Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka joined Odinga to form the Coalition for Reform and Democracy (CORD) while William Kipchirchir Samoei arap Ruto is with Kenyatta in the Jubilee Alliance (AC Vol 54 No 1 A race to the bottom)...
Opinion polls in Nyanza suggest that there is little decline in enthusiasm for the Raila Odinga-Kalonzo Musyoka Coalition for Reform and Democracy (CORD) presidential ticket...
Having cobbled together yet another coalition of widely divergent political journeymen especially his vice-presidential running mate and former political foe Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka his deep compromises to achieve victory might well result in a disappointing first term in office (AC Vol 53 No 25 Shotgun wedding season)...
Odinga’s pact with his erstwhile bitter rival current Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka recalls the National Alliance Rainbow Coalition (NARC)...
Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta should both poll 25-30% with Mudavadi William Ruto and Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka running third to fifth...
Of all of them – and they include the likes of current Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka slain Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ouko and Moi’s personal assistant Nicholas Kipyator Biwott – Saitoti was perhaps the most pliable...
As Secretary General of Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper Democratic Movement (formerly Orange Democratic Movement-Kenya) Kilonzo fatally damaged his party leader’s standing with the duo when he publicly denounced their presidential bids...
At the top of that very short list is Vice-President Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka who as the post-election violence raged in 2007-08 traded his political support for an assurance that Kibaki would back his candidature at the next election...