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South Sudan

John Garang de Mabior

Date of Birth: 23/06/1945
Died: 30 July 2005

Displaying 41-50 out of 170 results.

The boom in Juba and its consequences

Lual a respected economist who was close to the late SPLM Chairman John Garang de Mabior has come under fire for his publicly unionist views and his lack of criticism of the NCP...

Northern opposition faces increasing duress

Millions of Sudanese would agree with these echoes of the late Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) Chairperson Colonel John Garang de Mabior who liked to say the NIF was ‘too deformed to be reformed’...

No referee for the referenda

The SPLM knows full well that it must depend on its own army to protect it a pillar of the philosophy of the late Commander in Chief Colonel John Garang de Mabior...

The battle of the Nile

Its construction was halted in 1983 by attacks by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (now the Southern government army) though armed with his PhD in agriculture the late SPLA chief Colonel John Garang de Mabior greatly favoured the Egyptian-backed project...

Militias of the new age

Years of fighting ensued between Riek’s Nuer and the mostly Dinka forces of the SPLA Mainstream leader the late John Garang de Mabior...

An election victory that widens the North-South gap

This was fed by the ecstatic welcome for the late SPLM Chairman John Garang de Mabior in Khartoum in July 2005 and the fact that many Northerners embrace his vision of a ‘New Sudan’ politically secular and giving some of the Nile Valley elite’s power to the country’s marginalised peoples...

There is still though a group in the SPLM that believes in the New Sudan that lay at the core of the CPA for many of its foreign architects who counted on John Garang to carry this through...

Southern leaders compete for a new state

As a result the majority of the army once dominated by Dinka is made up of Nuer at least according to the Chief of Defence Staff James Hoth Mai himself a Nuer albeit a loyalist of the late SPLM/A chief Colonel John Garang de Mabior...

Efforts to bring the SSDF into the SPLA had repeatedly failed because John Garang feared that such large numbers of Nuer would undermine the dominance of his own Bor Dinka clan...

Three leaders who count in the South

Rek Dinka from northern Bahr el Ghazal Salva was in Anyanya before joining the SPLA at its birth as a major; he later became Chief of Defence Staff but was never part of John Garang de Mabior’s inner clique...

Opposition in search of unity

' It is assumed that if the referendum takes place in 2011 despite NCP blocking Southerners will overwhelmingly vote for independence yet some in the SPLM still want John Garang de Mabior's'New Sudan' as do many Northerners...

Displaying 41-50 out of 170 results.