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Côte d'Ivoire

Guillaume Kigbafori Soro

Date of Birth: 8 May 1972
Place of Birth: Diawala, Côte d'Ivoire

Displaying 1-10 out of 115 results.

Ouattara risks his legacy if he runs again

A few weeks ago he even took a much-publicised phone call from the exiled former Prime Minister Guillaume Soro a one-time key ally who had fallen out of favour (AC Vol 65 No 5 All eyes on 2025 – and the northern border)...

All eyes on 2025 – and the northern border

GUILLIAME SORO FRIEND TO THE JUNTAS From mid-February rumours started circulating about a reconciliation between the government and the one remaining dark horse in Ivorian politics Guillaume Kigbafori Soro...

Football before politics

Tchogolo's capital Ferkessédougou is the old fief of the one major absentee in this year's contest: exiled former rebel leader former prime minister and ex-president of the Assemblée nationale Guillaume Soro...


The political class makes up with itself

Missing from the septuagenarian politicians making peace is former Prime Minister Guillaume Soro in exile and sentenced to life imprisonment in absentia in June 2021 in connection with an attempted insurrection against his former ally Ouattara in 2019...


Rebel returns home

His talk of 'respect for the victims' of those bloody crisis years echoed the request for public forgiveness from former rebel chief Guillaume Soro who is currently in exile...

Ouattara keeps options open for his successor

He and Ouattara may have learnt the lessons of the latter's falling out with former Prime Minister Guillaume Soro now in exile and lost to the ruling RHDP camp...

The new number two took a break from his technocratic career path to acquire political experience in 2007-10 first as directeur de cabinet and then construction and urban development minister under former premier Guillaume Soro then premier in a national unity government...

Après nous, le déluge?

The most important are Gbagbo's ex-wife Simone Ehivet Gbagbo or the two most prominent younger politicians: former youth minister Charles Blé Goudé (still living in the Netherlands after his acquittal on charges of crimes against humanity); or Guillaume Soro currently in forced exile in France but plotting his return...

When the parties go to pieces

Tchogolo is combustible: it is not only the region where the Ouattaras have their ancestral home in Kong but it is also the stamping ground at Ferkessédougou of Ouattara's erstwhile ally now implacable enemy Guillaume Soro...

Old foes re-enter the ring

Once the now-exiled former parliamentary speaker Guillaume Soro looked like the shape of political things to come but no longer...

Displaying 1-10 out of 115 results.