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South Africa

Justice Raymond Mnyamezeli Mlungisi Zondo (Ray)

Date of Birth: 4 May 1960

Displaying 1-10 out of 46 results.

The centre is holding – for now

It was sharply criticised by Chief Justice Raymond Zondo in his report on corruption and ‘state capture'...

The situation was saved unwittingly by Floyd Shivambu deputy leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) who appealed to presiding Chief Justice Raymond Zondo for a caucus break before the election of the President and Speaker proceeded...

Long goodbye points to broken system

Frequently Ramaphosa has bypassed the practice but has stopped short of condemning it outright or endorsing Chief Justice Raymond Zondo's finding in his 'state capture' report last year that the practice lay at the heart of the ANC's corruption problems (AC Vol 63 No 10 Zondo hands ANC a time-bomb & Vol 63 No 14 Zondo's game changer)...

ANC leaders wade into new ethics row

On 22 June a year after he released the conclusions of his marathon investigation into corruption Chief Justice Raymond Zondo lambasted parliament and the executive for failing to implement the key recommendations of his report...

Now it’s Ramaphosa central

In his report on state capture last year Chief Justice Raymond Zondo had argued that cadre deployment which enables senior appointments to be made on the basis of party loyalty rather than expertise lay at the core of the ANC's problems (AC Vol 63 No 14 Zondo's game changer)...

Opposition parties reject Ramaphosa's 'State of Disaster' scheme

The emergency measures might win more support if there were signs that they would be used to stop the weakening of the national power utility Eskom by criminal syndicates controlling the supply and distribution of coal and other inputs as exposed in Judge Raymond Zondo's report (AC Vol 63 No 14 Zondo's game changer)...

ANC faces the ultimate 'power outage'

Both the State Capture commission headed by Chief Justice Raymond Zondo and the special tribunal on impeachment – rejected by parliament and submitted for review by the Constitutional Court by Ramaphosa – are likely to recede in political significance as the action moves to the courts for a series of corruption trials involving former ANC officials...


Win for Hain's Bain campaign

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo who headed the commission investigating state capture found Bain had engaged in 'unlawful' conduct and that all its contracts during the Zuma presidency should be investigated with a view to possible prosecution (AC Vol 63 No 14 Zondo's game changer)...

Some light at last

Several former top Eskom officials have been targeted by the State Capture Commission under Chief Justice Raymond Zondo and are either facing charges or are under investigation by law enforcement (AC Vol 63 No 14)...

Zondo's game changer

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo's epic state capture report is proving disastrous for President Cyril Ramaphosa and the ruling African National Congress (ANC)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 46 results.