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José Conduna António Pacheco

Date of Birth: 10 September 1958
Place of Birth: Ampara, Buzi district, Sofala

Displaying 1-10 out of 28 results.

The prize goes to Chapo

Several far more senior party members including former prime minister Luisa Diogo and former foreign minister José Pacheco failed to make the shortlist after heavy manipulation of the process by Nyusi...

Nyusi running out of road

The President is believed to distrust his former Foreign Minister the deeply unpopular José Pacheco as a potential successor because he believes Pacheco's true loyalty is to Guebuza...

Maputo faces off with the Fund

Long-serving foreign minister Oldemiro Baloi was replaced by Agriculture Minister José Pacheco in a de facto declaration of Frelimo's intention to change nothing of substance in governance...

Team Nyusi wins a point

Another prominent Makonde figure Raimundo Diomba Governor of Maputo Province ousted Guebuza loyalist and one-time presidential contender José Pacheco to become head of the Verification Commission Frelimo's disciplinary body...

Inching towards peace

However it was the heads of the negotiating teams Frelimo's José Pacheco and Renamo's Saimone Macuiana who signed in the presence of mediator Lourenço do Rosario...

Huge rise in illegal logging

Agriculture Minister José Pacheco has recently faced additional criticism over holding shares in private timber trading company Romazindico Limitada set up in the same month that he got his job...

Frelimo picks a candidate

The other two men on Guebuza's original shortlist – Agriculture Minister José Pacheco and Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina – polled poorly...

The race opens up

President Armando Guebuza's attempt to impose his shortlist – Agriculture Minister José Pacheco Defence Minister Filipe Nyusi and Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina – has failed...

Renamo conflict escalates

Guebuza's ally Agriculture Minister José Pacheco is the front-runner but behind the scenes other party factions are trying to hold Guebuza back...

Displaying 1-10 out of 28 results.