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Moses Wetangula

Date of Birth: 13 September 1956

Displaying 31-40 out of 66 results.

Bridge of sighs

These include Musalia Mudavadi (Luhya) Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka (Kamba) and Moses Simiyu Wetangula (Bukusu); their supporters say the report has no legal or constitutional basis...


Belt, road and pork barrel

Nyikal and the Luo MPs were referring to Moses Simiyu Wetangula's Ford-Kenya whose Secretary General Eseli Simiyu has repeatedly levelled the charge against Raila and to Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi Nasa's deputy who advocates a stronger opposition...

Big data state

Former leaders of the opposition National Super Alliance (Nasa) Raila Odinga Kalonzo Musyoka Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetang'ula led government teams around the country to promote the card...

Raila rebounds

Though enthusiastically received by his core supporters from the Luo community the mock inauguration was criticised by Western diplomats and even Odinga's key opposition allies in the National Super Alliance (Nasa) Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Simiyu Wetangula who now claim they opposed the stunt...

Hanging on a handshake

His former allies from the National Super Alliance (Nasa) – Kalonzo Musyoka Moses Wetangula and Musalia Mudavadi – had already made overtures to Kenyatta...

Down the autocrat's alley

When Odinga mounted the podium at Nairobi's Uhuru Park to be sworn in his lieutenants Musyoka Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Simiyu Wetangula were nowhere to be seen even though they had sworn to stand by his side...

New elections, old battles

Odinga's ablest lieutenants – Musyoka Mudavadi and Moses Simiyu Wetang'ula – have not appeared with him since they tried to stop the tallying and announcement of results...

Closer and closer

Nasa's gains owe much to the new-found unity of its five principals: Raila Amolo Odinga Moses Simiyu Wetangula Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi and Isaac Kiprono Ruto...


Opinion polls in question

After he was chosen as the Nasa flag bearer and that its other leaders – Musalia Mudavadi Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka Isaac Ruto and Moses Wetangula – had decided to back him Odinga's poll ratings surged to over 40%...

Displaying 31-40 out of 66 results.