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Ali Haddad

Date of Birth: 27 January 1965
Place of Birth: Azeffoun

Displaying 11-17 out of 17 results.

The state stays captured

Anti-Tebboune leakers pounced on presidential disapproval of the premier's unsanctioned vacation while media close to Saïd Bouteflika's favourite businessman Forum des Chefs d'Entreprise (FCE) chief Ali Haddad suggested the Philippe meeting was intended to garner support for a presidential bid by Tebboune in 2019 – when some loyalists believe the octogenarian president could stand again...

Polls provide no answers

FCE chief Ali Haddad has been visiting the regions to explain why the regime's investment policy is right for Algerian business and to persuade companies to penetrate sub-Saharan markets...

Bouteflika unbowed

This is a rare sign that a more dynamic local economy is emerging despite years of political stasis and Le Pouvoir's method of working with a small network of favoured business bosses in the employers' federation the Forum des chefs d'entreprises led by a Saïd Bouteflika ally Ali Haddad...

Cold and hot wars

Countering MoroccoAlgerian business leaders led by Forum des Chefs d'Entreprise leader Ali Haddad have been told to counter Moroccan business influence...

Rumblings among the rivals

With Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal and the presidency's favourite businessman Ali Haddad among those talking up an agenda for change some diplomats and analysts see prospects for accelerated change in Algeria's sclerotic regime...

Trembles at the top

Taking one big player each from the military business and political elites they include Benali the ubiquitous President of the employers' association the Forum des chefs d'entreprises (FCE) Ali Haddad; and Industry and Mines Minister Abdeslam Bouchouareb...

Displaying 11-17 out of 17 results.