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José Eduardo dos Santos

Date of Birth: 28 August 1942
Place of Birth: Luanda
Died: 8 July 2022

Displaying 81-90 out of 317 results.

Secrets are not forever

Gaydamak stated in evidence that President José Eduardo dos Santos had told Kopelipa to obtain the two rivals' agreement to the deal so as to avoid embarrassment if secret deals in the diamond business were exposed shortly before the parliamentary elections on 31 August...

Luanda’s crude power

Prodoil’s other partners are understood to include Marsanto a company run by Esmeralda and Edson dos Santos Sousa children of President José Eduardo dos Santos’s sister Marta dos Santos...

Bank to bank

Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos is a close ally of Zuma’s but Angola is a regional rival to South Africa...

The rich list

President José Eduardo dos Santos has not yet been named but it is expected...

Charity ends at home

The European Union won’t be sending an observer mission to the polls due in August or September when the ruling Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) of President José Eduardo dos Santos is sure to win...

Hope of peace for Cabinda

Some Cabindans want independence others autonomy and the government of President José Eduardo dos Santos wouldn’t offer either...

Office politics

Kinshasa businessmen say Angola’s President José Eduardo dos Santos introduced them to Kabila...

Marques takes them on

We hear that a report on President José Eduardo dos Santos will follow...

Cobalt's compulsory partners

The dossiers also claim that President José Eduardo dos Santos’s children have been awarded shares in privatised state outfits such as mobile telephone operator Movicel and also in diamond concessions...

Displaying 81-90 out of 317 results.