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Mahmoud Dicko

Date of Birth: 1954
Place of Birth: Timbuktu region, Mali

Displaying 11-20 out of 20 results.

    Vol 61 No 17 |
  • MALI

The junta haggles on transition

For now that won't include its influential clerical ally Mahmoud Dicko who has announced his retreat from politics although he is likely to remain influential behind the scenes...

    Vol 61 No 17 |
  • MALI

No road back for Keïta

Intriguingly neither does this appear to concern Imam Mahmoud Dicko the man credited with mobilising mass protests in Bamako and widely seen as their leader...

The Presidents' club backs Keïta

IBK's fellow heads of state were directing their threats at the Mouvement du 5 Juin-Rassemblement des forces patriotiques (M5-RFP) opposition coalition and its charismatic ally the conservative imam Mahmoud Dicko...

    Vol 61 No 14 |
  • MALI

Keïta clings on

News that on 5 July the beleaguered head of state President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (IBK) had held talks with Mahmoud Dicko the conservative imam whose mass mobilising appeal has given real clout to protests of recent weeks fuelled speculation that a settlement might be imminent...

    Vol 61 No 12 |
  • MALI

Keïta cornered

Nearly a week after the charismatic conservative imam Mahmoud Dicko led tens of thousands of demonstrators onto the streets of Bamako demanding President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta's resignation the head of state remains under heavy pressure...

Voters self-isolate

Political eyes were trained on the Coordination des mouvements des associations et sympathisants de l'imam Mahmoud Dicko (CMAS) the radical imam's new party who may be playing an undeclared role in the government's stuttering negotiations with jihadist insurgents (AC Vol 61 No 4 Terrorists at the table)...

    Vol 61 No 4 |
  • MALI

Terrorists at the table

A 2017 'good offices' mission by High Islamic Council chief Mahmoud Dicko came to nought...

    Vol 60 No 19 |
  • MALI

The talking cure

The influential imam Mahmoud Dicko is forming his own political movement while the President's Rassemblement Pour le Mali risks erosion by defections to the ASMA party founded of Soumeylou Boubeye Maïga who resigned as prime minister earlier this year (AC Vol 59 No 14 Shaky start for Sahel force & Vol 59 No 15 Electoral déja-vu)...

    Vol 59 No 15 |
  • MALI

Electoral déja-vu

The hard-line Islamic cleric Mahmoud Dicko of the Islamic High Council of Mali has said publicly that he'll follow the lead from Nioro but given Dicko's closeness to IBK it will be interesting to see how this conflict of interests plays out...

Colliding worlds

Mahmoud Dicko the head of Mali's High Islamic Council this week announced that in September he had received a letter from Iyad ag Ghali leader of Ansar Eddine one of the Malian Tuareg jihadist groups suspected of being behind the Tazalit raid announcing a unilateral ceasefire...

Displaying 11-20 out of 20 results.