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Girma Birru

Date of Birth: 27 May 1957

Displaying 1-8 out of 8 results.

Abiy keeps Addis on side but alienates the nation

Abadula Gemeda a patron of OPDO's 'new bloods' including Abiy Shimelis and Lemma Megersa who still wields significant influence without holding an official position Girma Birru Abiy's Macroeconomic Adviser former OPDO former EPRDF era Minister of Industry and former Ambassador to the United States Debele Kabeta powerful Customs Commissioner who worked in national intelligence with Abiy Tamirat Haile Addis-born Oromo historian with PhD in charge of Abiy's park development projects in Addis Ababa Influential Amhara figures: Temesgen Tiruneh an ardent Abiy loyalist and his longtime colleague in the military intelligence unit INSA and from November 2020 until February this year he headed NISS...

Citadel falls but the war goes on

Advisors in the Prime Minister's Office still include a significant number of Oromos: former Ambassador to Washington Girma Birru macroeconomic advisor and former OLF spokesperson Lencho Bati former Minister of Defence Motuma Mekassa and Hailay Berhane Tesema on National Security...


Abiy tests the military

Girma Birru a long-serving top OPDO official also replaced Debretsion as Chair of Ethiopian Electric Power...

Troubled road to liberalism

Addisu Legesse (Amhara National Democratic Movement) heads Ethiopian Airlines; Teshome Toga (Southern Ethiopian People's Democratic Movement) is Ambassador in Brussels; Tsegaye Berhe and Abade Zemo (both TPLF) are respectively Advisor to the Prime Minister and Ambassador to Sudan; from the Oromo People's Democratic Organisation Kuma Demeksa is Ambassador to Germany Girma Birru is Ambassador to the United States and General Abadula Gemeda is Speaker of the House of Representatives...

A five-year exit plan

Another former aspiring leader is Girma Birru the former Trade and Industry Minister who has gone to the Washington Embassy (AC Vol 50 No 10)...

The new guard steps up

In the Oromo People’s Democratic Organisation Alemayehu Atomsa replaces Abadula Gemeda as Chairman and Mukhtar Kedir ousts Girma Birru as his Deputy...

The challengers

Girma Birru: Oromo People's Democratic Organisation; Trade and Industry Minister; an Oromo with no obvious nationalist leanings...

October evolution

The other super-ministries will be run by SEPDF kingpin Kassu Illala (Infrastructure Development) Girma Birru (Trade and Industry) and Abay Tsehaye (Federal Affairs)...

Displaying 1-8 out of 8 results.