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Nicholas Kipyator Kiprono arap Biwott

Date of Birth: 22 February 1934
Place of Birth: Chebior Village, Kerio Valley, Kenya
Died: 11 July 2017

Displaying 61-70 out of 74 results.

Laughter in adversity

Then in April Moi's crony Nicholas Biwott showed up in Washington in the company of his ministerial colleagues (East African Affairs) from Tanzania and Uganda to lobby DC donors for infrastructure repair money...

Moi's last lap

KANU ‘B' led by Nicholas Biwott (Kalenjin) George Saitoti (Maasai/Kikuyu) and John Joseph Kamotho (Kikuyu) argues that an alliance with the powerful Kikuyu business class would be KANU's political insurance policy in the post-Moi era...

Close shave

The KANU-B faction headed by Nicholas Biwott and George Saitoti is intact and well-heeled although it failed to get some of its main backers (such as John Joseph Kamotho) re- elected...

A sudden conversion

KANU-B is led by Saitoti (Maasai/Kikuyu) his mentor Nicholas Biwott (Keiyo/Kalenjin) and Joseph Kamotho (Kikuyu)...

A sweet tooth

At this point we hear Mudavadi and Cheserem became virtually isolated; party stalwarts such as Saitoti Minister of State Nicholas Biwott Energy Minister Kirugi M'Mukindia and Land Reclamation Minister Simeon Nyachae attacked them both for 'selling out' the country to the IMF without showing any tangible benefits...

Saba saba

There were consultations within Moi's inner circle consisting of: Nicholas Biwott (Minister of State in the Office of the President); State House official Joshua Kulei (Moi's personal assistant); Vice-President George Saitoti; State House Controller Franklin Bett; Sally Kosgei (Permanent Secretary at the Foreign Affairs Ministry); KANU Secretary General John Joseph Kamotho; Mark arap Too (Chairman of Lonrho East Africa); and presidential sons Jonathan Gideon and Philip Moi...

Fixing the finance

But the state telecoms monopoly has been the milch-cow for Moi's Kalenjin political cronies while the electricity business has entrenched the influence of Moi's crony Minister of State Nicholas Biwott exerted through his appointees in the company and in the Ministry of Energy...

Langata landmark

KANU barons led by Minister of State in the President's Office Nicholas Biwott and Vice-President George Saitoti run the so-called KANU B and are manoeuvring to win mass Kikuyu support...

Displaying 61-70 out of 74 results.