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Gayton McKenzie

Date of Birth: 10 March 1974
Place of Birth: Heidedal, Bloemfontein, South Africa

Displaying 1-10 out of 16 results.

The centre is holding – for now

Other members of the GNU include the Patriotic Alliance of former convict Gayton McKenzie and former Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille's GOOD Party (AC Vol 65 No 12 How Western Cape tested the opposition's coalition strategy)...

A reckoning for the Ramaphosa party

Polls suggest that the MPC could achieve as much as 35% of the vote and seek closer links with like-minded opposition parties that have opted to stay outside the group such as Songezo Zibi's Rise Mzansi Mmusi Maimane's Build One South Africa and Gayton McKenzie's Patriotic Alliance (AC Vol 64 No 9 Writing the next act & Vol 65 No 6 Parties prepare for the costliest election & Vol 65 No 1 Tumbling support for ANC ends liberation era)...

He is making his mark by creating an umbrella political platform for independent candidates; Gayton McKenzie leader of the Patriotic Front (PF) and former convict has struck a chord with the mixed-race community with his zero tolerance of crime and hardline anti-immigrant stance...

Coalition talks divide ANC leaders

Ramaphosa has sent a letter to PA leader Gayton McKenzie to demand an explanation or face being excluded from municipal and metropolitan coalitions with the ANC...

Parties prepare for the costliest election

This included substantial funding from the party's leader Gayton McKenzie who declared three consecutive donations of R250 000 R2 289 130 and R220 000 in October November and December 2023 and R1 007 250 from his deputy Kenny Kunene in the same quarter...

Growing dissent pressures ANC from all angles

The most significant smaller parties with representation are Herman Mashaba's ActionSA the right-wing Freedom Front Plus led by Pieter Mulder and ex-jailbird Gayton McKenzie's Patriotic Alliance...

Zondo's game changer

Current leaders who emerged strengthened in last year's local government elections such as ActionSA's Herman Mashaba the Patriotic Alliance's Gayton McKenzie and a long list of independent candidates are likely beneficiaries of the post-Zondo political mood...

Displaying 1-10 out of 16 results.