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General Manuel Helder Vieira Dias Júnior (Kopelipa)

Date of Birth: 4 October 1953
Place of Birth: Luanda

Displaying 31-40 out of 61 results.

Reshuffling Luanda's Beijing connection

Before the 8 February cabinet reshuffle Kopelipa and the GRN had managed the US$6...

Some in Luanda suspect that President Dos Santos considers Kopelipa too ambitious and wants to curb his patronage powers...

Kopelipa is now head of the Casa Militar the President’s security services...

The GRN will now be closed down and incorporated into the new ‘super-ministry’ of urbanisation and construction under Da Silva Ferreira leaving Kopelipa to concentrate on security...

But insiders say that Kopelipa’s record in security has been little more impressive than his management of the Chinese finance...

From the start Kopelipa’s GRN had no clearly defined mandate and frequently clashed with the Ministry of Planning...

In addition Kopelipa’s ‘China reputation’ never quite recovered from the collapse in 2007-2008 of a $1...

The cement boom

Its Production Director Manuel Pacavira says that 80% of its production goes to the national reconstruction programme headed by General Hélder Vieira Dias 'Kopelipa' head of the President's Military Office...

Table: African cement demand and production The giant Brazilian construction companies Odebrecht and Andrade Gutierez reckon that their work is sometimes hampered by tension between the Public Works Ministry and Kopelipa's Gabinete de Reconstrução Nacional which masterminds the reconstruction programme...

Luanda diversifies its portfolio

In Luanda General Helder Vieria Dias Junior 'Kopelipa' chief of the presidential guard and head of the Gabinete de Reconstrução Nacional is probably the closest advisor to President Dos Santos...

Oil, votes and Beijing

This was meant to go to the Gabinete de Reconstrução Nacional which was created especially to manage CIF funds and is controlled by Dos Santos ally General Hélder Vieira Dias 'Kopelipa' which is already managing more than the official sum of $2...

The Angolagate trial

Also missing will be their Angolan counterparts: Ambassador in Paris Elísio de Figueiredo; the late Defence Minister Pedro Tonha (deceased); General Manuel Hélder Vieira Dias ‘Kopelipa’; General Salviano Sequeira; and Antonio Neto President of the Banco Nacional de Angola all of whom are accused in the indictment of receiving rewards from the deals...

2% commission on oil pre-financing the indictment says and adds that Falcone paid $54 569 520 to over 30 Angolan officials between 1993 and 2000 plus school fees in Britain for Kopelipa’s daughter...

One party rule

Hélder Vieira Dias 'Kopelipa' who is also in charge of the Gabinete de Reconstrução Nacional which supervises the China Investment Fund...

His fall was then attributed to intrigues by Kopelipa and Gen...

Kopelipa is now regarded as the real head of the presidency 'O chefe do boss' the boss's boss...

Leaks that discredit Kopelipa seem to come from the boss himself Dos Santos aka 'Zedu' who is skilled at cutting his rivals down to size...

Daughters and generals

The public transport company Macon is owned by the head of the Presidency Military Staff Hélder Vieira 'Kopelipa' who also runs the Office of National Reconstruction; one of his partners is Brig...

Political hurdles ahead

Meanwhile there will be some reshuffling of officials in the Presidency and the intelligence services following the arrest of veteran military intelligence advisor Manuel Helder Vieira Dias ‘Kopelipa’...

For years Kopelipa was one of Dos Santos’s closest aides entrusted with several intelligence missions arms procurement contracts and latterly the management of China’s multibillion dollar credit line...

Kopelipa’s arrest follows the arrest and demotion of another long-time intelligence official a year ago General Fernando Garcia Miala...

Flying higher

In rudimentary terms one set of lending is from the China's Exim Bank for a set of projects overseen by the Finance Ministry while another set of loans supporting projects including rehabilitation of the Benguela railway is channelled through the CIF and is overseen directly by the presidency and managed by Manuel Helder Vieira Días 'Kopelipa'...

The trains don't run on time

The Angolan agency responsible is the Gabinete de Reconstrução Nacional headed by General Hélder Vieira Dias 'Kopelipa' who is Chief of the Military Staff at the Presidency...

It indicates anyway that Kopelipa's influence is waning...

Displaying 31-40 out of 61 results.