Vol 56 No 4 |
Vital Kamerhe leader of the opposition Union pour la nation congolaise proclaimed the failure of the census bill a victory but some of his colleagues think this naïve...
Vol 56 No 3 |
Vital Kamerhe leader of the opposition Union pour la nation congolaise claimed victory in Kabila's first major defeat in Parliament since he came to power in 2001...
Vol 56 No 1 |
According to estimates by donors and by opposition leaders such as former National Assembly Speaker and leader of the Union pour la nation congolaise Vital Kamerhe it would take between one and three years to carry out a full census in a country with such poor infrastructure...
Vol 55 No 22 |
Kabila's rival in Kinshasa Vital Kamerhe was quick to send congratulations to the Burkinabé activists via social media...
Vol 55 No 19 |
August saw opposition member of parliament Jean-Bertrand Ewanga Isewanga Iwoka from Vital Kamerhe's Union pour la nation congolaise arrested during a demonstration and charged with offending the head of state...
Vol 55 No 13 |
In mid-June the Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC) led by Vital Kamerhe who came third in the last presidential poll threatened to pull out of the CENI...
Opposition leader Vital Kamerhe attacked the expulsions but blamed Kabila for allowing the situation to arise...
Vol 55 No 4 |
They included the former Governor of Equateur José Makila Sumanda who chairs the Alliance des travaillistes congolais pour le développement (ATD) but was formerly with the Mouvement de libération du Congo led by Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo; Martin Fayulu from Engagement citoyen pour le développement (Ecide); and Jean-Bertrand Ewanga Isewanga Iwoka Secretary General of Vital Kamerhe's Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC)...
Vol 55 No 1 |
Yet Etienne Tshisekedi's Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social and Vital Kamerhe's Union pour la nation congolaise boycotted the exercise (AC Vol 54 No 18 Holes in Kabila's big tent)...
Vol 54 No 18 |
They include the UPDS; the Mouvement de libération du Congo (MLC) whose leader Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo is on trial for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court; and the Union pour la nation congolaise (UNC) led by former National Assembly President Vital Kamerhe...