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Morgan Richard Tsvangirai

Date of Birth: 10 March 1954
Place of Birth: Gutu, Zimbabwe
Died: 14 February 2018

Displaying 181-190 out of 268 results.

Sick man, sick opposition

Ben-Menashe's past triumphs have included missions for Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's regime when Ben-Menashe encouraged opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai to talk about plans to remove the President five years ago; and 20 years ago he was accused of helping to delay the release of United States' hostages in Iran to boost Ronald Reagan's election campaign...

The stand against Mugabe

Mwanawasa maintains his position and Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) thinks it can do business with him even though he deported its leader Morgan Tsvangirai a few years ago...

Dealing with a wounded tiger

Yet all the top military and police commanders have declared that they will not accept a victory by the MDC's Morgan Tsvangirai...

Mnangagwa's return to form

Last week a smiling Mnangagwa turned out to hear the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission announce that Mugabe has lost to Morgan Tsvangirai in the first round of the presidential elections...

The opposition line-up

MOVEMENT FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE - TSVANGIRAI: Led and founded by Morgan Tsvangirai this is now the pre-eminent opposition faction...

The ugly endgame

Although the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) had not released results for the presidential elections twelve days after voting many expect its final results to show that no candidate won more than 50% of the vote and that there would be a run-off between President Robert Mugabe and MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai...

Zimbabwe Defence Force (ZDF) Commander General Constantine Chiwenga Air Force Commander Air Vice Marshal Perence Shiri and the Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri had publicly pledged allegiance to Mugabe as the sole leader of Zimbabwe insisting they (and by implication the entire armed forces and security services) would not take orders from either of the opposition candidates in the presidential elections Morgan Tsvangirai or Simba Makoni should either be announced a winner of the presidential elections...

Tsvangirai's transient victory

The parliamentary victory of Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change - winning 99 seats in the House of Assembly to 97 for the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front - seemed for a moment to change Zimbabwe's political landscape...

The sick man of the south

Initially Zambia supported Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai but their relations soured when MDC held private talks in Zambia's tourist capital of Livingstone without government knowledge...

Harare eyes the Kenyan model

Firstly in the character of the politicians: opposition Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai lacks the compulsions and tactical acuity of Odinga; while Robert Mugabe although almost a decade older than Mwai Kibaki is ten times more ruthless than his Kenyan counterpart...

Marking ballots, selling shares

Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change strongly opposed the bill in Parliament although criticism from the other main opposition candidate Simba Makoni has been more muted...

Displaying 181-190 out of 268 results.