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Morgan Richard Tsvangirai

Date of Birth: 10 March 1954
Place of Birth: Gutu, Zimbabwe
Died: 14 February 2018

Displaying 61-70 out of 268 results.

Vote now, pay later

In Harare one local commander called out the riot squad to close a ‘Yes Campaign’ meeting to be addressed by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai before having to apologise lamely for a ‘communications breakdown’...

Girding up for the vote

A recent poll puts voter intentions at 33% for ZANU-PF 32% for Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change-T and just 1% for Welshman Ncube’s MDC-N leaving 34% undecided...

I chose the deputy

Such a campaign could revive the fortunes of the MKD if it could capitalise on the growing disillusion with MDC-Tsvangirai’s performance in general and that of Premier Morgan Tsvangirai in particular...

A test for the constitutions

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s marriage difficulties absorbed his energies and the unveiling of the MDC-Tsvangirai’s economic electoral blueprint has engendered little excitement...

Small beer from Beijing

Worse it had first been offered to the Movement for Democratic Change Water Affairs Minister Samuel Sipepa Nkomo during Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's excursion to Beijing last year which the same media had so ridiculed...

Elections and electioneering stall deals

Industry Minister Welshman Ncube who oversaw the Essar deal happens to be the leader of the Movement for Democratic Change splinter group whose electoral performance in Matebeleland in 2008 helped deny Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T a first-round win...

Political diamonds

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of the MDC which rules in coalition with ZANU-PF said in October that Zimbabwe’s diamonds should create more jobs for locals not for Indians...

Asian ambassadors offer economic advice

A statement from Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s office on 30 November assured that politicians would not scupper the plan and claimed that it was Mines Minister Obert Mpofu who was leading the challenge to the Essar deal...

ZANU-PF’s gem of a campaign

Douglas Mwonzora the Spokesman for Premier Morgan Tsvangirai’s faction of the Movement for Democratic Change challenged ZANU-PF to reveal the source of the funds or stand accused of pilfering earnings from the diamond fields...

Three men in a boat

However whatever they found the final decision would be taken later by the three principals: himself Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara he declared...

Displaying 61-70 out of 268 results.