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Joseph Kabila

Date of Birth: 4 June 1971
Place of Birth: Hewa Bora, South Kivu

Displaying 111-120 out of 446 results.

Uhuru's frequent flyer card

A lot of that is due to the fresh face he presents compared to the old faces of leaders such as Uganda's Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Congo-Kinshasa's Joseph Kabila...

Miner wobbles

Lambasted by civil activists for its opaque trading deals with corrupt and oppressive regimes such as General Sani Abacha's in Nigeria and President Joseph Kabila's in Congo-K five years ago it heralded a new era of transparency with a public listing...

Kabila clouts Katumbi

The move in late June appears to be the opening salvo in an offensive by President Joseph Kabila Kabange to pre-empt and stifle the political ambitions of his rivals...

Cash for power and transport

Some political considerations will come into play and the Dam announcement could well be used by President Joseph Kabila in his efforts to extend his term of office (see Pointer Talking longer term)...

Talking longer term

Having failed to get Parliament to change the constitution to give him another term in office President Joseph Kabila launched a new 'political dialogue' on 1 June – apparently to extend his current term...

The best man not standing

President Joseph Kabila still seems intent on finding a way to stay in power even though the constitution forbids it and a growing coalition of political forces hopes his fellow Katangese Katumbi can stand in his way (AC Vol 56 No 7 Game of provinces)...

Game of provinces

Protests against President Joseph Kabila's plans to stay in power beyond the end of his term in November 2016 continue since the Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) announced an election timetable as the constitution requires (AC Vol 56 No 4 Poll date set)...

Muzito's Waterloo

Former Prime Minister Adolphe Muzito one of President Joseph Kabila's main allies has been named in connection with a Belgian investigation into foreign political bribery...

Displaying 111-120 out of 446 results.