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John Panonetsa Mangudya

Date of Birth: 5 October 1963
Place of Birth: Mutambara, Chimanimani

Displaying 21-28 out of 28 results.

Dollar curbs anger bigwigs

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mangudya has been forced to take drastic action to curtail money-laundering which financial sources in Harare say is at the centre of increasing concern...

Clearing decks and debts

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mangudya said the country would use the country's Special Drawing Rights from the IMF to repay its debt of $110 mn...

End of ZANU-PF economics

Chaired by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mangudya it includes one of his deputies Kupukile Mlambo; the Permanent Secretary in the Finance and Economic Development Ministry Willard Manungo; the IMF Resident Representative Christian Beddies; and World Bank and AfDB representatives...

Illegal gold exports

The RBZ Governor John Mangudya who took over from Gideon Gono last May is bitter over the role played by BancABC in facilitating the transaction we hear...

So far, so bad

The IMF team led by Domenico Fanizza had been in Harare at the beginning of March and in painstaking discussions with Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa and Reserve Bank Governor John Mangudya had indicated that cuts to the government's bloated wage bill would include the suspension of the annual Christmas bonus...

Rescue for bigwig debts

RBZ Governor John Mangudya says Zamco has so far bought $45 million in bad debt from three banks which he declined to identify...

Reversing the rot

The first statement by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) new Governor John Panonetsa Mangudya on 7 May was sombre and realistic...

The Nogo and Gono show

John Mangudya President of the Zimbabwe Bankers' Association recently warned that almost 80% of economic activity was informal...

Displaying 21-28 out of 28 results.