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John Dramani Mahama

Date of Birth: 29 November 1958
Place of Birth: Damongo, Northern Region, Ghana

Displaying 111-120 out of 130 results.

Lining up for Jubilee

The Korea Petroleum Association held a refining conference at Ghana's National Petroleum Association in December 2009 to announce its interest in a joint refinery project and Vice-President John Mahama met representatives of Samsung on 16 September to discuss a dedicated oil and gas port at Cape Three Points...

Scepticism grows over STX houses

It is an important political symbol both because of the close involvement of Vice-President John Mahama in the negotiations (following an official visit to Seoul last year) and because it is the biggest deal so far contracted by the Mills administration...

Building on oil money

Vice-President John Mahama who has been engaged in Accra’s most recent shuttle diplomacy with Seoul has said that the government intends to work with STX to achieve a stable crude oil supply – and possible refurbishment of the refinery...

Mortgages and minerals

He discussed the skills of Korean construction companies with Vice-President John Mahama and talked about the possibility of providing ships to patrol Ghana's territorial waters...

A business and strategic foray

Soon after the departure of Lieberman a hardliner on Palestine Vice-President John Mahama opened a photographic exhibition on Palestine at Accra’s Freedom Centre...

The Mills grind slowly

Other targets are Vice-President John Dramani Mahama; Paul Victor ('PV') Obeng who headed Mills's political transition team; the brothers Kwamena Kwesi and Ato Ahwoi; former Finance Minister Kwame Peprah; and the NDC's one-time éminence grise former security chief Kojo Tsikata...

Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings opposed the choice of John Mahama as Atta Mills's running mate preferring Betty Mould-Idrissu who is now Minister of Justice and Attorney General...

Back to the battleground

However Mills' appointment of John Mahama (who has publicly differed with Rawlings) as his running-mate countered accusations of his subservience to Rawlings...

Two and a half cheers for democracy

Prominent among Mills’s transition team are: Brigadier General (retired) Joseph Nunoo-Mensah Rawlings’s former Chief of Defence Staff; Paul Victor Obeng his Prime Minister in 1982-96 who heads Mills’s team; James Victor Gbeho Rawlings’s longest-serving Foreign Minister; Betty Mould-Iddrisu who lost the battle for the vice-presidential ticket to John Dramani Mahama despite the backing of Rawlings and his wife Nana Konadu Agyeman; AlhajiMahama Iddrisu Mould-Iddrisu’s husband and Rawlings’s long- time Defence Minister; Ekwow Spio-Garbrah former Communications Minister and Rawlings’s personal choice to replace Mills at the 2006 NDC party congress...

A rough beginning

The NDC and its presidential candidate John Atta Mills had hoped that his running mate John Dramani Mahama would attract votes from the three northern regions...

Running mates

The National Democratic Congress's John Dramani Mahama who will be 50 on 29 November is serving his third term as NDC member of parliament for Bole-Bamboi; his father was MP for Gonja West and the first Northern regional commissioner...

Displaying 111-120 out of 130 results.