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François Bozizé Yangouvonda

Date of Birth: 14 October 1946

Displaying 31-40 out of 95 results.

New leader's old problems

Dologuélé is also blaming Karim Meckassoua one of the few well-regarded ministers of François Bozizé's time as President and a presidential candidate knocked out in the first round of unfairly aiding Touadéra's win...

Democracy sans frontières

Dologuélé was Prime Minister under the late President Ange-Félix Patassé from January 1991 to April 2001 while Touadéra had the same job under President François Bozizé from January 2008 until his boss fell in January 2013 (AC Vol 54 No 3 Bogged down in Bangui)...

Blood returns to Bangui

This and the apparent preparedness of Anti-Balaka for the unrest has led to speculation in Bangui that activists of ex-President François Bozizé's party Kwa Na Kwa may have been involved...

Diamonds’ best friend

In 2009 the then Minister of Mining Sylvain Ndoutingaï President François Bozizé's right-hand man tried to set up a similar company with disastrous results that contributed strongly to the country's fiscal crisis...

Allies lose faith

Born into an old Central African family of Muslim traders he was not linked to the Muslim Séléka militia and after 2005 had tense relations with the then President François Bozizé Yangouvonda...

Regional leaders take charge

It was France which encouraged Luanda to re-engage with CAR after years of indifference stemming largely from Luanda's good though lacklustre relations with CAR's ex-President François Bozizé...

Unhappy birthday

They back deposed President Michel Djotodia a Muslim who before he overthrew President François Bozizé in March 2013 was CAR Consul in Nyala (AC Vol 54 No 7 Séléka takes power)...

Violence takes new shapes

Less than half of them support the return to power of ex-President François Bozizé who has been sending supplies to Anti-Balaka on a large scale for several months...

His boss François Bozizé travels widely in the region often staying in Kampala Uganda before travelling to Congo-Kinshasa and Cameroon to organise supplies for his supporters in CAR...

Fears for the new regime

Questions are also being asked about the lack of action against ex-President François Bozizé and his supporters who may control more than half the Anti-Balaka units...

Displaying 31-40 out of 95 results.