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François Bozizé Yangouvonda

Date of Birth: 14 October 1946

Displaying 61-70 out of 95 results.

Is Colonel Massi dead?

After weeks of speculation the wife and political allies of politician-turned-rebel leader Colonel Charles Massi 57 are convinced he is dead on the instructions of Central African Republic President François Bozizé...

A storm in the fish ponds

Neither of their presidents François Bozizé and Denis Sassou-Nguesso would seem to have an interest in stirring up that kind of trouble in the neighbourhood...

Many rivers to cross

Cheered to the rafters at his Kwa Na Kwa (KNK) party congress at Mbaiki on 13 November President François Bozizé 63 declined to confirm that he would stand in next year's presidential election...

Sweet freedom

Meanwhile CAR human rights activists note that rebels led by the man now President François Bozizé also committed atrocities...

The rebel's return

Miskine one-time commander of the private militia of the then President Ange-Félix Patassé has denounced the peace package that he and several other guerrilla commanders then made with the current President François Bozizé...

Old wounds, new crises

There was an agreement to form a national government including the main rebel groups civil society and political parties as well as formal recognition for President François Bozizé by the man he overthrew in 2003 Ange-Félix Patassé...

Nong Duc Manh

CAR President François Bozizé visited Hanoi on 20 May and Manh promised to share Vietnamese skills in agriculture and social services...

Displaying 61-70 out of 95 results.