Vol 58 No 2 |
The presence of President Muhammadu Buhari President Uhuru Kenyatta and President Yoweri Museveni also underlines the fact this is no mere francophone love-in...
CORD claimed as early as April 2016 that President Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice-President William Samoei arap Ruto's government was intent on rigging the presidential election using the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission that presided over the 2013 elections...
Opposition leaders are edging closer to a multi-ethnic coalition to stand against President Uhuru Kenyatta's governing Jubilee coalition in next August's elections (AC Vol 57 No 14 Warnings of a bad election)...
Once charged by the ICC President Uhuru Kenyatta has not had a change of heart but is currently focusing on getting Foreign Minister Amina Mohamed elected as the AU's next chairperson in January and Kenya needs as many votes as it can get including those of ICC members...
If President Uhuru Kenyatta comes out of the evaluation looking good he will use it to boost his image...
During the 2013 presidential election campaign President Uhuru Kenyatta and his running-mate William Ruto promised Kenyans that they would end the corruption that had bedevilled previous governments...
The quality of its investigations and its ability to protect witnesses has fallen far short of requirements and these weaknesses have been exploited by the richer and better connected defendants such as Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto...
For example ex-indictees President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto were coming and going almost at will while their fellow Kenyan indictee radio announcer Joshua arap Sang was required to attend the Court full time...
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta announced she was a candidate on 3 October but the former diplomat and United Nations' official has rapidly racked up a stack of promised votes...
President Uhuru Kenyatta's Jubilee Party which grew out of the governing Jubilee coalition and combines twelve small parties will face Raila Odinga's Coalition for Reform and Democracy which unlike Jubilee continues to fragment amid internal quarrels (AC Vol 57 No 14 Warnings of a bad election)...
Maraga's nomination awaits confirmation by Parliament and appointment by President Uhuru Kenyatta but both should go smoothly...