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Ali Hassan Mwinyi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1925
Place of Birth: Kivure, Pwani Region, Tanzania
Died: 29 February 2024

Displaying 11-20 out of 24 results.

A vote about corruption

A party commission under former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi is desperately trying to paper over the rows and reconciliation (even if merely cosmetic) is likely for the sake of the elections...

Islamic alliance

A decade ago then President Ali Hassan Mwinyi a Muslim began discussions on OIC membership but heated opposition from Tanzanian Christians halted the move...

Cleaning the stables

Kizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda who served as Private Secretary to three Tanzanian presidents Julius Nyerere Ali Hassan Mwinyi and Benjamin Mkapa is President Jakaya Kikwete's surprising choice as Prime Minister after the resignation of Edward Lowassa who was accused of impropriety over a power contract...

Storm warning

The CUF had already chosen its candidates: for the national presidency it picked Ibrahim Lipumba once Economic Advisor to then President Ali Hassan Mwinyi...

Presidential race

Ibrahim Lipumba; only significant opposition candidate; economist; leads Civic United Front; was economic advisor to President Ali Hassan Mwinyi when economic 'liberalisation' began; promises government of national unity prosecution of corrupt leaders and sale of the new presidential jet to raise money for mosquito nets and free school meals...

Troubled isles

His many errors (later admitted) included the attempt to introduce a Chinese-style socialism which kept the economy back for 25 years until Ali Hassan Mwinyi took over in 1985 dismantling the command economy and freeing the private sector ­ thus opening the door to much grander corruption...

Multi-party, single party

Ex-President Ali Hassan Mwinyi asked Muslims to stop fomenting conflicts among themselves and focus on education to improve the lot of their community...

Mkapa winds it up

The `Father of the Nation' Julius Nyerere used his decisive influence to pick first Ali Hassan Mwinyi who presided over the rescue of the economy in the 1980s then Mkapa who brought in foreign investors and boosted economic growth...


Production began in 1975 and boomed after 1993 when the artisanal diggers were given permission by the then President Ali Hassan Mwinyi to prospect in return for selling all gold to the government...

After Mwalimu

His two successors Ali Hassan Mwinyi and Mkapa owed him their jobs...

Displaying 11-20 out of 24 results.