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Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga

Date of Birth: 14 October 1930
Place of Birth: Lisala, Congo-K
Died: 7 September 1997

Displaying 81-90 out of 245 results.

A new political season

They included Vincent de Paul Lunda Bululu (once prime minister under the late President Mobutu Sese Seko) Oscar Kashala (a cancer specialist) Joseph Olenghankoy (formerly minister of public works in the transitional government) and Jonas Mukamba (formerly head of the state mining firm Minière de Bakwanga)...

Front-runners and hopefuls

Lumumbaists Pierre Pay-Pay 60 a former finance minister under the late Mobutu Sese Seko is from Bukavu (South Kivu) and boasts strong support from the Nande of North Kivu...

    Vol 46 No 10 |
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Faure's French friends

Robert Montoya a French former officer and advisor to the late Congo-K President Mobutu Sese Seko runs a private security firm in Lomé...

Missing a basic law

Chairman of the Front Commun des Nationalistes Gérard Kamanda wa Kamanda (now Minister for Scientific Research previously Foreign Affairs Minister under the late Mobutu Sese Seko) says the constitution has been 'tailor-made' for transitional President Joseph Kabila who is only 33 and for Bemba and Ruberwa ministers who are both under 45...

Mea culpa

Three decades after Western governments propped up Cold War ally Mobutu Sese Seko in Kinshasa with loans they knew he was squandering they are still demanding repayment from the successor government...

Battle for the palace

Under the late President Mobutu Sese Seko he served as Deputy Finance Minister and tens of thousands turn out for his public appearances in Kinshasa...

The Kivus jolt Kinshasa, again

In Kinshasa on 3 June tens of thousands of demonstrators brandished the old flag of Zaïre sang the Mobutist national anthem and chanted the late President Mobutu Sese Seko's name...

Yes, guv

Kyungu started the massacres of Katanga's Kasaian residents in the 1990s and now exploits Katangese resentment at the decline of Gécamines begun by the late President Mobutu Sese Seko and continued under the Kabilas...

Brazzaville breakdown

Its forces with the Cobra political militia and their foreign allies ­ troops from Angola and Chad exiled former soldiers of the late President Mobutu Sese Seko's army from Congo-Kinshasa and members of the notorious Rwandan Hutu Interahamwé militia ­ crushed the Cocoye rebels who backed the exiled former President Pascal Lissouba killing civilians particularly young men of fighting age...

Displaying 81-90 out of 245 results.