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Anita Annet Among

Date of Birth: 23 November 1973
Place of Birth: Bukedea, Uganda

Displaying 1-10 out of 11 results.

Will the Buganda kingdom tilt the vote against Museveni?

Representatives of the NRM; representatives of the political grouping representing General Muhoozi Kainerugaba the President's son; rival factions of the main opposition party; and Anita Among the Speaker of the national parliament who is embroiled in corruption allegations were all vying for the limelight in Buganda (AC Vol 64 No 8 Muhoozi sticks his neck out & Vol 65 No 10 Parliamentary speaker flounders in corruption saga)...

Parliamentary speaker flounders in corruption saga

When asked about her involvement in corrupt schemes Anita Among Speaker of the parliament in Kampala usually argues she is being singled out by foreigners for her energetic promotion of the Anti-Homosexuality Act last year...

Bribes row rocks parliament

Parliamentary Speaker Anita Among has refused to answer charges that she has obtained millions of dollars' worth of expenses and allowances she was not entitled to that were first passed to low-level employees of parliament...

The profits of silence Parliamentary Speaker Anita Among has a handy method to prevent awkward questions from arising in the chamber too often her critics say and this explains the sums of the public purse that have been devoted to her...

Rifts threaten Bobi Wine's party

Some claimed he colluded with parliament's Speaker Anita Among who is accused of lacking independence from the government and deliberately frustrating the opposition (AC Vol 64 No 3 Speaker accused of undermining parliament)...

Muhoozi sticks his neck out

Officials including Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja Speaker of Parliament Anita Among Finance Minister Matia Kasaija and a host of other ministers and government officials are accused of diverting relief funds destined for Uganda's poorest region...

Rot at savings fund exposed

The select committee whose chairman Mwine Mpaka a ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) MP was appointed by Speaker Anita Among decided to throw the book at both Byarugaba and Amongi...

Doubling down on anti-gay bill

Asuman Basalirwa tabled the Bill on 9 March just days after Parliament Speaker Anita Among vowed that the law would be passed whatever the cost...

MPs expose airline fiasco

Uganda Airlines has lost US$137 million since it launched in August 2019 according to a parliamentary public accounts committee report which was suppressed by the Speaker of Parliament Anita Among which Africa Confidential has seen (See accompanying feature Speaker accused of undermining parliament)...

Speaker accused of undermining parliament

When Parliamentary Speaker Anita Among suppressed discussion on 17 January of a report into corruption and mismanagement at Uganda Airlines she triggered a political furore...

A slightly bigger tent

The newly elected Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah once an ardent critic of President Museveni and his deputy Anita Among herself a member of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change until recently are said to be at the centre of the negotiations (AC Vol 62 No 11 Cracks in the ruling party)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 11 results.