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Tendai Laxton Biti

Date of Birth: 6 August 1966
Place of Birth: Dzivaresekwa, Harare

Displaying 121-127 out of 127 results.

Signs of movement

Until then South Africa’s Safety and Security Minister Sydney Mufamadi was mediating the talks between Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti for the MDC factions and Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa and former Intelligence Chief Nicholas Goche for the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front...

Stout party splits

Tsvangirai has national Chairman Isaac Matongo powerful Youth Chairman Nelson Chamisa women's leader Lucia Matibenga; respected lawyer Tendai Biti; activist Sekai Holland; and economic advisor Eddie Cross...

What is the MDC for?

Job Sikala Lovemore Madhuku Tendai Biti and Gift Phiri opposed Tsvangirai and have been sidelined but support Ncube...

On and on and on

Without a change in laws which according to the MDC's Economic Affairs Secretary Tendai Biti amount to a state of emergency many in the opposition see little point in fighting elections which could help legitimise a flawed process...

Slow to go

The other wing's leadership comprises Themba Nyathi David Coltart Yvonne Mahlunge Tendai Biti Renson Gasela and Trudy Stevenson...

From the other side

Another MDC frontliner will be human rights lawyer Tendai Biti currently the party's Secretary for Land and Agriculture who is to push for a return to the 1998 agreement on land reform which provides for the redistribution of at least 5 million hectares of land in a framework that will bring in outside funding for the land's development...

Unmoved movers

The MDC's powerful lawyers include Tendai Biti who successfully challenged the Law and Order (Maintenance) Act on behalf of the ZCTU and is a member of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Lawyers' Association; David Coltart from Bulawayo once singled out by President Robert Mugabe as among the 'rabble-rousers' who must decide whether to remain in Zimbabwe or not...

Displaying 121-127 out of 127 results.