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Oppah Chamu Zvipange Muchinguri

Date of Birth: 14 December 1958
Place of Birth: Mutare

Displaying 21-30 out of 32 results.

Diplomacy by other means

When the ANC moved to discipline Malema for advocating similar policies to Zimbabwe’s on land and black empowerment a close Mugabe ally Oppah Muchinguri called on the ZANU-PF Politburo to show solidarity with him...

The President ends his holiday

Oppah Muchinguri’s threat to challenge Joice Mujuru was stifled as was Manicaland Province’s challenge to rerun the election of party Chairman Simon Khaya Moyo (SKM)...

Faint heart never beat stout lady in the ruling party

The Mnangagwa slate for the four-member Praesidium was Mugabe for First Secretary (President at national level) Oppah Muchinguri and John Nkomo for Second Secretaries (national Vice-Presidents) and Kembo Mohadi for party Chairman...

Women at war

Batons and chairs were swung as delegates backing Oppah Muchinguri tried to force their way into the hall...

Until the stout lady sings

) Mnangagwa's faction aims to boot out Mujuru in December after undermining her at the Women's Congress with the help of Women's League Chairwoman Oppah Muchinguri and Grace Mugabe...

Tsvangirai's transient victory

Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa the party's chief negotiator was beaten; so were Women's League leader Oppah Muchinguri; Water Minister Munacho Mutezo; longest-serving ZANU-PF Politburo member Kumbirai Kangai; War Veterans' leader Joseph Chinotimba; Transport Minister Christopher Mushowe; and Agricultural Mechanisation Minister Joseph Made...

He keeps on winning

The President has the loyalty of ZANU's Youth League led by Absolom Sikosana and its Women's League under ultra-loyalist Oppah Muchinguri former liberation fighter and former Mugabe girlfriend...

Surreal succession

His support for Manicaland's Simba Makoni has not yet convinced local heavyweights who include Didymus Mutasa Secretary for Administration and Minister of Security and Lands; Patrick Chinamasa Justice Minister needed by any successor for his legal drafting skills; the mercurial Kumbirai Kangai; Water Minister Munacho Mutezo; Agriculture Minister Joseph Made; provincial Governor Mike Nyambuya; Transport Minister Chris Mushowe; and Women's League leader Oppah Muchinguri...

Displaying 21-30 out of 32 results.