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Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Population: 31.98m
GDP: $86.91bn
Debt: 57.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Côte d'Ivoire

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Found 213 articles.

Displaying 101-110 out of 213 results.

Squeezing Gbagbo's budget

African and European sanctions could take months to bite while the political and security crisis grows daily in Abidjan

Europe is adding its own sanctions to the pressure on President Laurent Gbagbo from Africa's regional organisations to force him to stand down in the post-election stand off. At ...

Cocoa ban may hit Gbagbo's war chest

Around 40% of the world's cocoa is grown in Côte d'Ivoire and the market is in confusion as a result of the reigning political paralysis. The harvests, though, are large an...

Propaganda war

Many in the Francophone African exile community have been unusually supportive of Laurent Gbagbo, in spite of his sanguinary reputation and with few doubts about the fairness of th...

Two presidents, one crisis

Violent clashes on the streets of Abidjan for control of state broadcasting escalate the post-election conflict

Whether Côte d’Ivoire erupts into a fresh conflict or joins a new world of parliamentary democracy depends mainly on money, the military and regional solidarity. As Africa Confiden...

Holding their breath

Both contenders will have to ensure the results of the coming elections are accepted by all, if they are to mark an end to the civil war

The most critical point about the second round of the presidential election on 21 November, said a veteran Ivorian politician, is not who wins but getting everyone to accept the re...

And then, there were two

Incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo and challenger Alassane Dramane Ouattara will vie for the top job in a second round of voting at the end of this month

Ivorians will have to wait nearly another month, until 28 November, to know the outcome of the presidential election. The first round of voting on 31 October was close and none of ...

A dubious election date, again

Organising October elections seems beyond the government’s will and the electoral commission’s resources

>Defying those who say the government is not politically or administratively ready, Prime Minister Guillaume Soro announced that elections for president and Parliament will be held...

Displaying 101-110 out of 213 results.