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Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Population: 31.98m
GDP: $86.91bn
Debt: 57.7% of GDP (2024)

news from Côte d'Ivoire

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Found 213 articles.

Displaying 31-40 out of 213 results.

An 80s classic

There are plenty of heads of state in their 80s, but few who stand for presidential election at the age of 86. That's what Henri Konan Bédié – who was president from 1993 to 1999 –...

Affairs of state and of the heart

With the ruling party’s presidential candidate in Paris for cardiac checks, two leading oppositionists are allowed by the ICC to return home

Once again, the International Criminal Court is upending Ivorian politics. This time it's the Court's surprise decision on 29 May to lift its travel restrictions on former Presiden...

Bye bye boom

At the end of March, the government restricted movement between Greater Abidjan and the rest of the country. The streets of the commercial capital are almost deserted. Borders and ...

Ouattara and son

The outgoing President has moved quickly to name his preferred heir, hoping to steal a march on his rivals and cement his legacy

The crucial first stage of the race to succeed President Alassane Ouattara ended quickly when Prime Minister Amadou Gon Coulibaly was hastily named as the candidate of the ruling R...

'Eco'-logical concerns

The mooted new West African currency stands no chance of success unless its architects persuade Abuja to join

Francophone West African countries' decision to convert their CFA franc into a first version of the 'eco', a planned single currency for the whole region, has sparked furious criti...

Soro sounds off

Prevented from re-entering his country, Guillaume Soro remains determined to stand in the presidential election. He announced at a 28 January press conference in Paris law suits in...

Portents over the presidency

Rumours swirl around who the candidates will be and whether any of them can quell simmering public resentment

Ivorians go to the polls in October in what promises to be a no-holds-barred battle for the presidency. The main contenders are familiar – possibly too familiar to satisfy a restiv...


Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana are threatening to suspend the sale of cocoa beans to the open market for the 2020/21 crop season in a bid to secure higher prices for their farmers. ...

Electoral arithmetic

Players jostle for position after Soro’s resignation as Speaker and Gbagbo’s ICC acquittal throw presidential race wide open

Members of Côte d'Ivoire's National Assembly have been in session this week for the first time under the new Parliamentary Speaker, Amadou Soumahoro, installed by the ruling Rassem...

All bets are off

Gbagbo’s probable reappearance on the political scene is not the only bombshell as the road opens to the 2020 elections

A fortnight of political drama in Côte d’Ivoire began on 26 January when President Alassane Dramane Ouattara and family appeared before a capacity crowd at the main sta...

Displaying 31-40 out of 213 results.