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Population: 37.89m
GDP: $92.12bn
Debt: 70.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Angola

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Found 283 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 283 results.

The MPLA plans a landslide

Amid private jitters at the top, the ruling party is pulling out all the stops to ensure an overwhelming election win

The Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) is pouring millions into a lavish campaign to ensure overwhelming victory in the general elections on 31 August. The team beh...

The other contestants

After 2008’s electoral drubbing, the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) is now far better organised, winning respect for its sustained pressure on the el...

Secrets are not forever

The Gaydamak case exposed details of profit-taking in the diamond business that the government might have preferred to remain unseen

Russian-Israeli billionaire Arkady Gaydamak failed to convince the London High Court he had a case against diamond-dealer Lev Leviev in mid-June. Ever since, analysts have been por...

Luanda’s crude power

For foreign oil companies, getting hitched to local partners is increasingly causing trouble at home

Angola’s habit of compelling foreign oil companies to work with secretive local companies that belong to top government officials is attracting increasing criticism – and complianc...

The rich list

Luanda has finally announced that general elections will take place on 31 August. They’ll be the first where the winning party chooses the president directly: the head of the winni...

Hope of peace for Cabinda

The threat of armed rebellion may fade after rebels offer to talk

After four decades of the struggle for independence in the oil-rich Cabinda enclave, the last fighting faction has launched an offer of peace talks. The octogenarian, exiled leader...

Marques takes them on

A crusading journalist has launched a criminal complaint against the President’s allies, accusing them of grand corruption

A doughty campaigner, Angolan journalist Rafael Marques de Morais, has launched a formal complaint against three top officials close to the presidency for taking personal stakes in...

Cobalt's compulsory partners

In its annual disclosures (also known as the 10-K Form) to the Securities and Exchange Commission in New York on 31 December 2010, United States-registered Cobalt reported that it ...

Displaying 81-90 out of 283 results.