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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

Category: all

Found 630 articles.

Displaying 301-310 out of 630 results.

Where did all the money go?

The government wants to restrict the powers of the Auditor General after he revealed gross financial mismanagement

The political fight over public finance is heating up. Members of parliament grilled Treasury officials for over four hours on 15 August after the Auditor General found that just 1...

ICC aims at Kenya

The International Criminal Court Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, succeeded on 19 August in her appeal against the court's judges' decision not to hear evidence on whether or not the Ke...

Ethics question for Obama

Some 17 years after the bombing of US Embassies in East Africa, relatives of those killed and local staff injured still await compensation

On his first trip to Kenya as United States President in July, Barack Obama will walk into a bitter controversy over successive United States governments' failure to compensate vic...

Shame about the list

President Kenyatta is gutting the anti-corruption bodies after purging mostly his deputy’s allies from public life

Since early March, the Jubilee government has been riven by charge and counter-charge over corruption. President Uhuru Kenyatta appeared to silence his critics by publishing a 'lis...

Garissa security shambles

The government failed to heed warnings of imminent attacks and reacted with ill-thought out measures

In what is becoming a familiar pattern after terrorist attacks, the government’s response to the massacre at Garissa University College (GUC) on 2 April was unfocused and hap...

Presiding without policy

Freed of the burden of trial at the ICC, Kenyatta can get on with the business of government. Yet few can discern any strategy

Kenyans who have been wondering what President Uhuru Kenyatta's priorities for the country will be, now that he is no longer handicapped by charges at the International Criminal Co...

What the prosecutor saw

The ICC has now published its brief for the abandoned case against Kenyatta. It reveals a brutal and cynical conspiracy

The International Criminal Court has released a summary of the crimes it believes President Uhuru Kenyatta has committed. The document from the ICC's Office of the Prosecutor conta...

ICC murder mystery

Much confusion surrounds the abduction and apparent murder of a witness in the ICC trial of William Ruto and Joshua Sang

The hurried burial at sunset on 22 January of a corpse said to be that of Yusuf Hussein, a 25-year-old matatu (minibus) conductor, has deepened the mystery surrounding the apparent...

Economy up, security down

With strains appearing in the Jubilee Coalition, the opposition will exploit the government’s political and security problems

The grisly image of the decomposing and mutilated body of Meshack Yebei, a witness in Deputy President William Ruto's case at the International Criminal Court will keep this issue ...

How the case was won

The government’s obstruction of the ICC and intimidation of witnesses fatally undermined the Kenyatta prosecution

Ultimately, it was a combination of failings by the International Criminal Court prosecutors and the government's non-cooperation that resulted in the dropping of the case against ...

Displaying 301-310 out of 630 results.