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Population: 52.44m
GDP: $104bn
Debt: 73% of GDP (2024)

news from Kenya

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Found 630 articles.

Displaying 321-330 out of 630 results.

Confused response to terror attacks

President Kenyatta claimed 'local political networks' were to blame for the atrocities on the Coast. It’s not the only bizarre circumstance of the shootings

The spectre of a breakdown in Kenya's national security faces President Uhuru Kenyatta in the wake of terrorist attacks on the north-eastern coast that claimed more than 50 lives. ...

Alarm over terror swoop

The government is screening ethnic Somalis and confining refugees to camps. Some question the effectiveness – and motives – of the policy

The security agencies' investigation of the Somali community for links to terrorism is meeting growing criticism. It forms part of the Jubilee Alliance government's response to the...

A year of living precariously

The ICC’s case against President Kenyatta is in disarray but so are his own political forces and the managers of his grandiose public spending plans

At the presidential inauguration of Uhuru Kenyatta last April, few would have predicted the chaotic current state of the Jubilee Alliance government. Then, almost his sole preoccup...


Jubilee lays into America, too

USAID is accused of funding anti-government protests. Attacks on Britain and the ICC are routine but this shot across US bows was different

When a few thousand demonstrators marched in Nairobi in mid-February to protest about bad government, corruption and insecurity, nobody was surprised. These complaints are, say man...

No way to run a railway

President Kenyatta is backing a US$4 billion no-bid contract with a state-owned Chinese company to rebuild the Nairobi-Mombasa railway

Kenya's flagship transport plan, the Standard Gauge Railway Project (SGRP), is attracting growing controversy over its enormous cost and the uncontested contract award for the firs...

Chickens come home to roost

The thread that bound President Kenyatta together with his deputy Ruto is fraying. There are growing worries about terrorism

Three questions loom over the country in 2014. Will President Uhuru Kenyatta and Vice-President William Ruto win their confrontation with the International Criminal Court? Will the...

Counter-terrorism force under attack

Human rights activists target US and British support for Kenya’s security forces over illicit killings, torture and rendition

Complaints that Kenyan anti-terrorist units are engaged in torture, rendition abroad of suspects, 'disappearances' and assassination could threaten United States and British cooper...

Another dam under fire

The Gibe III dam on the Omo River may threaten Lake Turkana and those who depend on it

A new report claims that Ethiopia’s Gibe III dam on the Omo river could lower water levels in Lake Turkana, in Kenya’s remote and arid northwest, by as much as 20 metre...

Carter’s quiet doubts

Eight-and-a-half months after Kenya’s Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission declared Uhuru Kenyatta winner of the March 2013 presidential poll, a key electoral obse...

Displaying 321-330 out of 630 results.