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Population: 2.16m
GDP: $2.4bn
Debt: 63.2% of GDP (2024)

news from Lesotho

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Found 22 articles.

Displaying 11-20 out of 22 results.

Mosisili's snap victory

Calling snap parliamentary elections on 17 February has worked well for Lesotho's pragmatic Prime Minister, Pakalitha Mosisili in his battle with former Communications Minister Mot...

Dirty water

Lesotho has scored a rare but convincing victory against corruption. The Maseru courts convicted three multinationals of bribing to secure contracts in the giant Highlands Water Pr...

Caught out

The easy re-election of the ruling Lesotho Congress for Democracy in the 25 May general elections handed a new mandate to a government determined to pursue those suspected of corru...

Disunited kingdom

South Africa rescued the government but may have destroyed the nation

When they looted and burned businesses in the capital, Maseru, last September, Lesotho's young nationalists meant to protest against the 'protective' intervention in their country ...

To a little kingdom

As SADC allies go to war in Congo, Pretoria stumbles into an insurrection nearer home

The military intervention in Lesotho was meant to be a show-case for the new South African National Defence Force (SANDF). It turned into a political-military fiasco. Lesotho’s opp...

Militants and monarchs

Two troubled kingdoms have embroiled South Africa in some messy power-broking

Pretoria’s African National Congress government finally lost its diplomatic virginity with the deployment of 600 South African soldiers in the early hours of 22 September to put do...

Military mayhem

This time - at dawn on 22 September - mutinous soldiers of the Lesotho Defence Force faced well equipped South African troops, rather than just their own loyalist colleagues. Preto...

Hanging on

By the grace of the courts, and for a few weeks only, Prime Minister Ntsu Mokhehle (78) is hanging on as leader of the Basutoland Congress Party, a job he first got 43 years ago. P...

Cop out

The Prime Minister is under attack from all sides, including policemen and his own party

Providentially, nobody died when the army unleashed its strength against rebel policemen in their barracks in Maseru. Eight officers of the Royal Lesotho Mounted Police had demande...

Succession battle

On 7 May, four senior Cabinet ministers were sacked. A week later, two others resigned; more are expected to go soon. A squabble at the annual conference of the ruling Basotho Cong...

Displaying 11-20 out of 22 results.