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Population: 17.06m
GDP: $7.628bn

news from Somalia

Category: all

Found 288 articles.

Displaying 261-270 out of 288 results.

Transition to where?

Though recognised by the Organisation of African Unity, Inter-Governmental Authority on Development and United Nations, the Transitional National Government (TNG, AC Vol 42 No 10) ...

Independence vote

Battling a powerful lobby for postponement, President of Somaliland Mohamed Ibrahim Egal is determined to hold a long-delayed constitutional referendum on 31 May. He wants voters t...

Possible president

Is there a new president in Somalia? Not quite. But Abdulkassim Salat Hassan, who took the oath of office on August 20, is the nearest thing the country has had to a recognised pre...

Time to talk

The Somali National Peace Conference in Djibouti finished six weeks of initial consultations and moved on last week to phase two (AC Vol 41 No 7). Hundreds of participants (some pi...

Warlords at the gate

More questions face Djibouti's proposed Somalia peace conference: nearly all Somalia's main political organisations have now come out against the gathering, scheduled for 20 April.

Hope from the north

A new peace plan focuses on civil society but no one agrees how to choose the delegates

Somalis have high hopes of the peace conference scheduled for 20 April to 5 May. It is very much a Djibouti government initiative: it is to be held in the country and the proposals...

No proxy peace

While many in Somalia push for peace (AC Vol 40 No 19), Ethiopia is pressing its allies for quicker military results against Eritrea's ally, Hussein 'Aydeed'. The 'Somali Peace All...

Building blocks

Reconstructing the state step-by-step is showing results - but outsiders stay sceptical

Countless peace conferences have failed to pacify Somalia, including the latest, in Cairo in December 1997, whose collapse seemed to condemn the country to yet more clan wars and f...

Unfunny money

A consignment of notes for Hussein Mohamed 'Aydeed' with a face value of 35 billion Somali shillings (Sosh) due at Baidoa airport has been held up by an Ethiopian invasion. Last w...

No nation, new regions

New regional adminstrations and a police force haven't stopped the clan conflicts

A peace settlement still seems as far away as ever in Somalia, with no firm indication that any promised national reconciliation conference will take place in the foreseeable fut...

Displaying 261-270 out of 288 results.