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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 62.47m
GDP: $373.23bn
Debt: 75.4% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 837 articles.

Displaying 171-180 out of 837 results.

State companies in the firing line

With the ANC leadership united to fight the pandemic, President Ramaphosa may bring in liberalising reforms and end the bail-outs

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni's post-Covid-19 budget is a balancing act that offers President Cyril Ramaphosa a chance to radically restructure the country's ailing state-owned ent...

Farewell to arms

Debt-laden, dysfunctional and unable to find a modern role, the state arms-manufacturer is being steadily cut back

The debate about whether post-apartheid South Africa really needs its own arms industry and such a large military establishment has been raging since the country’s first demo...

Making free with repression

After a strong start mobilising people against the pandemic, Ramaphosa faces multiple complaints against the security forces and a looming economic meltdown

Civil rights activists, opposition politicians and business leaders are mounting legal and moral challenges to the lockdown, claiming it is being used as a cover for human rights v...

Ruling party wants a reset

Using the pandemic as a pretext, top ANC officials jostle for positions, some arguing for radical and sweeping policy changes

Before the Covid-19 pandemic struck South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa and his centrist supporters were locked in combat with followers of former President Jacob Zuma, African...

Cyril’s lockdown limits

As the pandemic stretches out, the President is facing resistance from the public, business and political opponents

President Cyril Ramaphosa has bowed to mounting business and popular pressure to ease the lockdown from 1 June but has warned that the worst of the pandemic is still to come. South...

The lockdown finds pushback

The public is starting to tire of one of the world’s strictest restrictions in response to Covid-19 as cracks appear in the political consensus

The armed forces are patrolling the streets to enforce a nationwide curfew from 8pm to 5am as citizens can only exercise between 6am and 9am, and no more than five kilometres from ...

Unpacking Cyril’s stimulus

Economists question whether the immense Covid-19 relief package will just help business or the wider population

President Cyril Ramaphosa's 500 billion rand (US$26bn) stimulus to sustain South Africa's already precarious economy during the Covid-19 lockdown has been welcomed by business and ...

Heroes and villains in the pandemic

The coronavirus outbreak has turned the spotlight on those in charge, highlighting successes and exposing deficiencies

With South Africa in the third week of a lockdown that may only be lifted at the end of April, and possibly not even then, President Cyril Ramaphosa and Health Minister Zweli Mkhiz...

Cyril's double crisis

Drastic measures to contain the pandemic, coupled with the Moody’s downgrade, have strengthened the President’s hand – for now

The South African government has vowed to respond to the double shock of the coronavirus pandemic and a credit ratings downgrade by making overdue structural reforms to prevent the...

Ramaphosa’s next test

The pandemic could not have come at a worse time for an ailing economy already stressed to the limit

The collapse of the global financial markets, the tanking oil price, and the threat of a major global economic recession have radically altered the backdrop to South Africa's econo...

Displaying 171-180 out of 837 results.