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Population: 12.34m
GDP: $54.71bn
Debt: 78.6% of GDP (2024)

news from Tunisia

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Found 93 articles.

Displaying 51-60 out of 93 results.

Coalition of the unwilling

Saïed's first challenge as president is forming a government from a parliament split among 21 parties

Parliamentary and presidential run-off elections in October have taken Tunisia into the unknown. Public disillusionment with the post-2011 political establishment resulted in very ...

Out of contract

On the face of it, it is just another lucrative lobbying deal, with Israeli arms dealer turned lobbyist Ari Ben Menashe bagging another US$1 million contract to add Tunisian media ...

Into the unknown

Polar opposites face each other in the presidential run-off. All they have in common is their disdain for the political establishment

The first round of the presidential polls on 15 September was – as predicted – a slap in the face for the post-revolution political establishment. Two extremes topped the pol...

Upstarts and old guards

Jealous of presidential candidate Nabil Karoui's popularity, the political class manoeuvred to have him arrested

Tunisians go to the polls on 15 September to choose a new president and, three weeks later, a new parliament. The contests lacked strong drama until 23 August, when front-runner Na...

New faces, old enmities

Candidates are lining up for the first round of presidential poll now scheduled for 15 September. The smart money is on Defence Minister Abdelkarim Zbidi to succeed President Béji ...

Nobbling Nabil

The establishment has taken fright at popular new politicians, and is trying to kill off genuine challenges to the president and ruling party

A political class absorbed by the painfully long run-up to parliamentary elections on 6 October and the presidential poll on 17 November has suddenly found itself with a surprise o...

Eight years of transition

As established parties gear up for elections later this year, Premier Chahed's new party hopes to offer a credible alternative

Two distinct narratives dominate the political landscape eight years after President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia as the Arab Spring erupted. One relates to the par...

Tunis fiddles as revolt grows

While politicians focus on electoral alliances, the economy remains stuck and marginalised communities are angry

After taking office amid high hopes that technocratic ministers could deliver results, Prime Minister Youssef Chahed's increasingly beleaguered government is confronted by yet anot...

A coalition of hope

Donors line up more support to help confront deeply uncertain prospects for security and an economy damaged by terrorism

Prime Minister Youssef Chahed's 'unity' government seems to have plenty going for it, with a good balance of political factions and technocrats, and strong international backing. U...

Displaying 51-60 out of 93 results.