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Population: 12.34m
GDP: $54.71bn
Debt: 78.6% of GDP (2024)

news from Tunisia

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Found 93 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 93 results.

Playing the waiting game

Stunned by President Kaïs Saïed's decision to suspend parliament and govern by decree, the major political parties, led by the moderate Islamist party Ennahda, are left p...

Saïed lashes out

Public delight greeted the president's sudden suspension of parliament and dismissal of the premier, but taking the reins himself may spell trouble

President Kaïs Saïed's decision to sack his prime minister, Hichem Mechichi, after the massive anti-government protests on Republic Day (25 July) took few by surprise. Th...


Dam solidarity in North Africa

The UN Security Council is likely to reject an effort by Tunisia to persuade it to intervene in the increasingly bitter regional dispute over Ethiopia's mega-dam 

In a rare outbreak of north African solidarity, Tunisia has called on the United Nations Security Council to finalise a binding agreement between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt on the o...


Fireworks on the streets

Frustration with dismal economic prospects and political infighting broke out on the tenth anniversary of the revolution

There were plenty of fireworks on 14 January, the tenth anniversary of the 2011 revolution. Not, however, in celebration of the event. In suburbs of the capital and towns across th...

In search of confidence

Elyes Fakhfakh, Tunisia's prime minister for less than five months, has been forced to resign over allegations that he owned shares in companies that won state contracts.

The spring unsprung

The fifth most infected country in Africa, Tunisia is also the only relative success story of the 2011 Arab Spring, but there are fears that the coronavirus could destroy all that ...

Relief today, trouble ahead

On his second attempt, President Saïed secured his chosen prime minister. But the new man’s tenuous coalition will be sorely tested

Nearly five months after the 6 October general elections delivered a highly fractured parliament, Tunisia has a new coalition government. On 26 February, parliament approved Elyes ...

Displaying 41-50 out of 93 results.