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Central African Republic

Central African Republic

Population: 5.23m
GDP: $2.81bn
Debt: 55.6% of GDP (2024)

news from Central African Republic

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Found 105 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 105 results.

Aristide's lavalas

Suddenly everyone's going to Bangui. Haiti's ousted President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, may have had little choice but oil executives are also beating a path to President Fran&ccedi...

Leaving the door open

The latest strongman needs democratic frontmen to bring aid and recognition

It is a measure of the uncertainty and wariness surrounding the Central African Republic's new government that the Mozambican leader explained to the world on 6 July that Bangui wa...

Unsuitable friends

As donors trumpet their latest initiatives to bring Africa out of poverty, Central African Republic risks falling through the cracks.

Our friends in the north

Libyan troops make President Patassé feel more secure but he doesn't seem to trust anyone

Though Central African Republic has now denied giving Libya a 99-year minerals lease, Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi is certainly getting valuable strategic benefits from providing sec...

Patassé's pals

President Ange-Félix Patassé has become even more dependent on the protection of Libya and its Bangui garrison, as last month's arrest of Finance Minister Eric Sorong...

Enemy's enemy

French troops may have withdrawn from Central African Republic but their barracks are now being taken over by Libyan and Sudanese troops. Even more bizarrely, some Paris officials ...

Pressing Patassé

President Ange-Félix Patassé seems to be suffering from the presidential paranoia where successful protégés become political threats; the prophecy may y...

Plot and panic

The rebels are beaten but the peace is precarious

The rebels have been put to flight. Political support has come from France and from several African governments. The elected President, Ange-Félix Patassé, seems more...

Displaying 81-90 out of 105 results.