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Constantino Guveya Dominic Nyikadzino Chiwenga

Date of Birth: 25 August 1956
Place of Birth: Wedza (Hwedza)

Displaying 71-80 out of 103 results.

Three men in a boat

Constantine Chiwenga is Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces; General Perence Shiri commands the Air Force; Happyton Bonyongwe is Director of the Central Intelligence Organisation; and Paradzai Zimondi runs the prisons...

Shiri salutes, sort of

Of the other key members Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander Constantine Chiwenga and Chief of Staff Martin Chedondo greeted the Prime Minister only on the first day and then opted to appear in civilian dress on the second...

Crime and amnesty

That would implicate senior security officials including CIO boss Happyton Bonyongwe and the commanders of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces the army and the air force - General Constantine Chiwenga Lieutenant Gen...

Bank East

The US government says Kechik has used his practice to conceal exports of medical equipment to Zimbabwe and has done business with Gono and Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Constantine Chiwenga: Kechik is under US sanctions...

Mutinies, money and Mugabe

Defence Minister Sydney Sekeramayi hastily convened a press conference flanked by Zimbabwe Defence Forces Commander Constantine Chiwenga and ZNA Commander Lieutenant General Phillip Sibanda...

Keep an eye on Mnangagwa

Zimbabwe Defence Force's head Constantine Chiwenga had vowed he would not salute opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai; he was with the Joyce and Solomon Mujuru faction but teamed up with Mnangagwa to save his own neck...

The khaki election

In an ultimate irony Mugabe’s government recreated the Rhodesian regime’s Joint Operations Command (JOC) combining the Defence Ministry the Zimbabwe Republic Police the Central Intelligence Organisation and the National War Veterans’ Association Today the JOC comprises ZDF Commander General Constantine Chiwenga Air Force Commander Air Marshal Perence Shiri Police Commissioner Gen...

Displaying 71-80 out of 103 results.