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Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa (Ngwena 'crocodile')

Date of Birth: 15 September 1942
Place of Birth: Zvishavane

Displaying 1-10 out of 327 results.

Concerns multiply over Mnangagwa's secretive wealth fund

Shortly after his victory in last year's disputed elections President Emmerson Mnangagwa reconstituted the country's Sovereign Wealth Fund bringing 66 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) under the control of his office and Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube...

When Tsvangirai was ill in early 2018 President Emmerson Mnangagwa offered to give him the house (AC Vol 59 No 4 After Tsvangirai)...


Against the odds, can the new ZiG currency tame inflation?

But it was enough for President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa to suggest on 4 July that the country would bar use of the US dollar and enforce the use of the ZiG as the sole legal tender by 2030...

One source reported that President Emmerson Mnangagwa had fired the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance George Guvamatanga...

Elon Musk’s Harare network

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has rewarded some familiar faces after approving the licensing of tech billionaire Elon Musk's Starlink system in Zimbabwe ‘through its sole and exclusive local partner IMC Communications (Pvt) Ltd'...


Quid pro quo diplomacy

Quid pro quo appears to have been the name of the game in Kenyan President William Ruto's talks with Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa over the weekend...


Shaky new ZiG money undermines IMF talks

President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa appointed Mushayavanhu as governor of the RBZ on 28 March cutting short John Mangudya's second term as governor by a month...

ECONOMIC POLICY UNDER MNANGAGWA'S BANNER John Mushayavanhu's appointment as Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) on 28 March further consolidates power for President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa's inner circle...


A new gold standard

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government has previously experimented with backing its currency with gold introducing gold coins and bullion-backed digital tokens known as ZiG but both failed to convince the markets that they were long term measures (AC Vol 63 No 20 ZANU-PF beats its economic chest)...


Opposition in turmoil as Chamisa quits

Turnout is expected to be low and ZANU-PF is predicted to win the seats it needs for a two-thirds majority in parliament which will allow it to alter the constitution – allowing 81-year-old President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa to run for a third term in 2028 (AC Vol 64 No 21 Mnangagwa presses on regardless)...

Contenders brace for electoral upsets

His paeans of praise to Zimbabwe's leader Emmerson Mnangagwa after the stolen elections in August and serial murders of opposition activists there have made him especially unpopular...

Displaying 1-10 out of 327 results.