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Morgan Richard Tsvangirai

Date of Birth: 10 March 1954
Place of Birth: Gutu, Zimbabwe
Died: 14 February 2018

Displaying 11-20 out of 268 results.

New bid to revive the opposition

On 24 January President Emmerson Mnangagwa's main opponent in the last general elections Nelson Chamisa launched a new political party hoping to close the chapter of rivalries and splits that marked the demise of the country's dominant opposition party for over 20 years the late Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)...

Repression, guns and new laws

The opposition is in disarray after a March 2020 court ruling that found MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa had been unconstitutionally elected to the party's vice-presidency and could not have lawfully risen to its helm after founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai died in 2017...

Gutting the opposition

The largest of these parties was led by Chamisa who inherited the mantle of top opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai's party the MDC-T when Tsvangirai died in February 2018 (AC Vol 60 No 17 Power play in Harare)...

Tsvangirai’s house divided

Following his successful bid to oust those MPs Mwonzora wrote to the police demanding help to evict the party from its headquarters claiming that Hwende and armed party youths had barricaded themselves inside Morgan Tsvangirai House in downtown Harare...

When its founder Morgan Tsvangirai died in February 2018 he left three vice-presidents of the MDC-T: Khupe who had been elected by the party in the 2014 congress Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri...

This year the court ruled in her favour ordering Chamisa to repay to her the funds used by the MDC-A during the election campaign and to relinquish control of Morgan Tsvangirai House...

Rule by rivalry

Some pundits believe that Mnangagwa may have encouraged the Supreme Court in its decision to rule as illegitimate Chamisa's appointment as head of the MDC-A after the death of Morgan Tsvangirai...

Activists take on the crisis

New confidenceChamisa's personal position is stronger following his elevation to the presidency of the MDC at the party's first elective congress since the death of its founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai in February 2018 (AC Vol 60 No 11 Readying for protest)...

Lobbyist of last resort

Once described by The Jerusalem Post as 'a notorious chronic liar' Ben-Menashe worked closely with the deeply corrupt late president of Zambia Frederick Chiluba before finding fame as a prosecution witness in a trumped-up treason trial of the late Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai...

Turbulent beginnings

The MDC had a turbulent 2018: the death of founder Morgan Tsvangirai a bitter leadership contest a rushed and poorly-funded election campaign all under a sustained barrage from ZANU-PF backed by the state (AC Vol 59 No 4 After Tsvangirai)...

Finding for the government

According to one witness in Mutare during the funeral of MDC founder Morgan Tsvangirai in February supporters of the MDC's Nelson Chamisa threatened to burn a hut with Thokozani Khupe Vice-President of the splinter MCD-Tsvangirai in it...

The house of hunger revisited

In the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) the direction of its late leader Morgan Tsvangirai was central in everyone's calculations...

Displaying 11-20 out of 268 results.